Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)

28 institutes get ICMR approval


NEW DELHI: The ICMR has approved 28 out of 113 institutio­ns that showed interest in conducting convalesce­nt plasma therapy trials for Covid patients, according to an official from the top medical body.

Transfusin­g critically ill Covid-19 patients with convalesce­nt plasma -- a component of blood rich in antibodies from patients who recovered from the disease -so that they can fight of f the disease is a treatment showing promise world over.

“The process for the plasma therapy trials is on; institutio­ns are being approved and patients are being recruited. It will, however, be some time before anything conclusive can be said on the results of this therapy,” said ICMR spokespers­on Dr Rajni Kant Srivastava. The ICMR earlier this month came out with a detailed document on the study model using plasma therapy. HTC

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