Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)


Exercises to do with a broomstick or a mop


Standing trunk rotation:

Stand holding a mop stick, relatively close to your body, slightly below chest height, positionin­g your hands at the midline. Contract abdominal muscles, stiffen torso. Now pull shoulders down and back without arching your lower back. Slowly rotate torso to one side, hands still at midline. Hold briefly before a b turning to rotate in the opposite direction.

Do 15 reps.

Donkey kick with broomstick:

Get on all fours, on a mat. Place broomstick at the crease of your knee. This is your start position. With broomstick balanced, keep right knee bent at 90 degrees as you lift it into the air until thigh is parallel to the floor. Return to start position.

Do 15 reps on each side.

Abs dynamo:

Lie face-up, knees bent and feet flat. Hold stick with both hands shoulder-width apart, arms straight up. Extend right leg only, toes pointed. Keeping right leg extended, slowly roll up to a seated position, reaching arms toward toes. Slowly roll back to floor.

Do 10 reps.

Switch sides; do 10 more.

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