Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)




1 Commuter’s place in life? (7)

5 Fears it could be less speculativ­e (5) 8 Account for all that talking? (9,4) 9 No permission for recesses (5)

10 Draws dissected Eastern insect (7)

11 He’s not disposed to be fair (6) 12 Reveal advice on how to be less reserved? (4,2)

15 Stuffy complaint (7)

17 Rule that holds George initially in check (5) 19 Sort of feeling brought on by beastly alcohol? (6,7)

20 Well-known skating figure (5) 21 Ancient drunk lies stricken at sunset (7)


1 Sat upon an enemy of good (5)

2 Get everything free, but in vain (3,3,7) 3 I’m given appointmen­ts as duties (7) 4 Neckties? (6)

5 Find shelter in the street in wet weather (5) 6 Just state what is a reasonable stipulatio­n (4,9)

7 Doesn’t turn down an invitation? (5,2) 11 The acre is different in metrical terms (7) 13 Not just relating to some (7)

14 Charles writing for openings (6)

16 New rotas for cook (5)

18 They may be held in revulsion (5)


1 Tombstone inscriptio­n (7) 5 The choicest part (5) 8 Listless and despondent (2,3,8) 9 Barely detectable amount (5) 10 Supervise (7)

11 Evaluate (6)

12 Christian ministers (6) 15 Race meeting for boats (7) 17 Sumptuous (5) 19 Parsimonio­us (5-8) 20 Perceive by smell (5) 21 Quandary (7)


1 Stay alive (5) 2 Refusal to compromise (13) 3 Never growing old (7) 4 Bringer of bad luck (6) 5 Trained core group (5) 6 Horsemansh­ip (13) 7 Expertise (7) 11 Pertinent (7) 13 Rational (7)

14 Diverse (6) 16 Agreement to meet (5) 18 Doctrine (5)

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