Hindustan Times (Jammu)



more so after outbreak of Covid-19,” she said, while also crediting the government and policy-makers for beating global trend and helping the economy flourish.

“We launched the biggest vaccinatio­n drive in human history with vaccines manufactur­ed in the country itself. Last month we crossed the 200-crore mark in cumulative vaccine coverage. In combating pandemic, our achievemen­ts have been better than those of many developed countries,” Murmu said.

The first tribal President also praised India’s nature of inclusivit­y and said that lines of disparity between regions and genders are blurring.

“The country’s growth is becoming more inclusive and regional disparitie­s too are reducing”. She said that unlike other well-establishe­d democracie­s, where women struggled to get the right to vote, India adopted universal adult franchise right since the beginning of the Republic.

The President placed the onus of the India’s growth to its women, youth and farmers who she said have given “India’s its new-found confidence.”

Murmu went on to stress on the need of women empowermen­t and their contributi­on-past, current and potential--to the nation’s road to success. “Our daughters are the biggest hope for the nation. From becoming fighter pilots to space scientists, our daughters are scaling great heights,” she said.

The President, in her address, also stressed on the significan­ce of the Centre’s National Education Policy, saying that it is aimed at preparing future generation for next stage of industrial revolution, reconnecti­ng it with heritage.

Keyword for India today is compassion for downtrodde­n, for needy and for those on margins

At a time when India is celebratin­g the ‘ Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ to celebrate 75 years of Independen­ce, a festival which is “dedicated to the people of India”, the President appealed the citizens to raise awareness about their Fundamenta­l Duties and “follow them in letter and spirit so that our nation reaches new heights”.

“When work is done with the spirit of ‘ Nation First’, it is bound to reflect in every decision and every sector. This is also reflected in India’s standing in the world,” Murmu said.

Murmu, who is Santhal tribal hailing from Odisha and the youngest and first tribal to hold the top constituti­onal post, appealed the citizens to conserve the environmen­t through the path of living a traditiona­l life style, which can also become an example for the rest of the world.

“When the environmen­t is facing new challenges, we must remain determined to preserve all that makes India beautiful. Conserving water, soil and biodiversi­ty is our duty towards our children,” she said.

In her closing remarks, the President extended her greeting to the armed forces, to the members of Indian missions abroad, and to the Indian diaspora , “who continue to make their motherland proud”.

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