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- By Chef Shrutika Kohli


For the outer covering: 1 cup rice flour, 1.5 cup water, 1tsp salt, few drops of oil

For the filling:

1 cup fresh grated coconut, 1/2 cup sugar substitute (grated jaggery, optional), 1tbsp oil, 1tsp cardamom powder, 1tsp nutmeg powder


Take water in a vessel and add few drops of oil and some salt. Bring water to a boil, add the rice flour and stir on low flame for 30 seconds Then switch off the gas and mix with a thick spatula. Cover with a lid for five minutes Allow the dough to cool or you could knead the dough while it’s hot with gloves. Let the dough rest and come to room temperatur­e Meanwhile, make the filling. Take a heavy bottomed pan Add freshly grated coconut, sugar substitute. Keep stirring the mixture for three to four minutes. Lastly, add cardamom and nutmeg powder. Mix well. Switch off the gas, don’t overcook the mixture. Place some cold water with ice cubes. Apply water over your palm. Make small balls of the dough Flatten the balls with your palms gently in a round shape. Ensure that the discs are neither too thick nor thin. Put a portion of coconut mixture over the centre of the round disc. Make sure the disc has no cracks. Now form pleats toward the edges or just get the edges together and close them towards the top. The modak should take a conical shape Alternativ­ely, you could grease the mould of the modak and place the dough in the mould. Then give shape with your forefinger. Be careful while making the modak as it might break. Be gentle and it will shape well Now place the modaks on a steamer and steam for seven to eight mins. You will see that the texture has changed and it’s cooked. If you don’t have a steamer then fill one big vessel with water and place a slotted dish or vessel over the water. Place the modaks over the slotted dish. Cover it with a lid and steam for seven to eight minutes on medium heat. Alternativ­ely, you could steam the modaks in a pressure cooker for eight to 10 minutes on low or medium heat

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