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LOL is really healthy


As kids, we used to laugh close to a hundred times a day, but as adults life tends to be more serious, monotonous and laughter becomes more infrequent and sometimes not at all...My high school maths teacher for example never laughed in fact I doubt if he even laughed as a baby.

But do you know that by not laughing often you are missing out on a host of benefits of humour and laughter.

A study reveals that laughing burns calories...well sleeping burns them too. Laughter and humour also improves memory…for example writing on humour for a long time now has given my mind a steel trap memory, in fact in addition it has given me two more benefits…a positive attitude and a steel trap memory…wait didn’t I say it already ;)

Every body laughs the same way in every language across the globe. Also, one of the many benefits of laughter is that it can help you tone your abs…when you are laughing, the muscles in your stomach expand and contract, laughter also reduces the chances of a double chin and it also works as an antidote for baldness and yes I made that one up. But you will all agree on this one that laughter is infectious… The sound of a roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough or even sneezing …literally.That’s why sitcoms use laugh tracks.

My grandfathe­r always concluded his letters to me by saying that – “May your life be filled with laughter.” I always found that very unique and can now say with complete conviction that laughter makes everything in our life fall in line so effortless­ly.

In fact a study report that was published last week said that laughing continuous­ly for 10 minutes increases life expectancy in the long run…so now as I conclude this article why don’t you all just give it a try…ready, get set, go… LOL.

 ?? PIC FOR REPRESENTA­TION ONLY ?? Laughter best medicine
PIC FOR REPRESENTA­TION ONLY Laughter best medicine

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