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Month ends, money ends!

- Vikas Bhandari

On this January 1st, I went to my gym and found it crowded by all the New Year's resolution makers, it was nice to see that even the old treadmill lying in the corner, rusted and unused for eleven months was finally seeing some action on the day as every inch of the floor space in the gym was occupied by one or the other enthusiast. In fact, people had started to throng the place since the eve of 31st December itself...but by January 3rd the number had halved, the old treadmill went into hibernatio­n once again for another 362 days or so!

Likewise, it’s well known that there is a certain sensitivit­y of the timing of a modern-day middle class family’s household purchases to the timing of the receipt of their monthly income. So, what draws my interest in writing these lines is the subtle inverse proportion­ality between the two factors mentioned above when time is the increasing variable lying on the X-axis and acting as a catalyst. For those of you who are still guessing- Yes, I pursued PCM (Physics, Chemistry and Maths) as subjects in intermedia­te.

Picking up the threads from the previous paragraph, females know it that their misters are a thousand times more likely to nod a “Yes” for a corner hanging lamp or the Laughing Buddha artefact for the living room or for that expensive set of bone china crockery in the first half of the month then they are in the later half of it. They also know that in the later half of the month most men will spend their time complainin­g about how inflation is on a new high. And they know that the husband’s fiscal complaints will extend to the effect of Brexit on Uber’s peak hour surge prices in Delhi NCR as the month end draws nearer. The noose from here will only keep getting tighter and the families financial supplies get further constraine­d until four days before the pay day when they are completely choked and straining for the fresh breath of life that doesn’t come until the first of every month. Gone are the days when salaried people used to live from 1st of the month to the 1st of the next month(#Pay day), now they live from first of the month to until four days before the first of the next month. Does it ring a familiar bell..!

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