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Pet therapy for couples

Sometimes a pet can do wonders to our relationsh­ips. Experts explain how

- Anjali Shetty anjali.shetty@htlive.com

It’s often said that a dog is a man’s best friend, and many people believe in that saying for good reason. For a lot of folks, a pet brings in a sense of companions­hip, helps you relieve stress, overcome depression and may even motivate you to begin exercising. But it seems that a pet’s benefits may extend to your relationsh­ips as well. Experts say that having a pet can help you build a therapeuti­c relationsh­ip with your partner.

Dr Salma Prabhu, a clinical psychologi­st, says that pets can be a therapeuti­c blessing for a relationsh­ip that might be facing a storm, on the condition that both partners agree to adopt a pet. She says, “Pets teach unconditio­nal love. Pets teach that one needs very little to be happy — a little attention, play, and food, and they are happy. Pets teach that your ego can be discarded easily. They don’t have an ego. Even if you discipline them or shout at them, they’ll always come back to you.”


A pet may also help rekindle your relationsh­ip with your partner simply because it keeps you in a happy mood. Dr Seema Darode, a clinical psychologi­st, says, “Having a pet helps you overcome depression and it also enhances one’s mood, leading to a more positive outlook. Playing with your pet helps you secrete positive hormones, which act as mood stabiliser­s. All of this can help a couple stay happy and content, which in turn results in a healthier, happier relationsh­ip.”

Dr Darode adds, “You are no longer moody or upset at the end of the day. I have seen cases where a pet has helped a couple cope with depression and head towards a calm space in their relationsh­ip.”


Darode says that pets also bring out your parenting instincts, as you may want to protect, care for and look out for the new member in the family. Darode adds, “Caring for a pet imparts a sense of responsibi­lity, which may come in handy when you have a baby. Pets also enable you to help your children build empathy and compassion, which is why it is great to have a pet when a child is growing.”

Experts suggest that a couple should get a pet only after they discuss pregnancy, as a pet can be a big responsibi­lity on its own and you may have to share duties. Handling a pet and a baby together can be difficult, so make sure to plan accordingl­y.

However, Darode adds that no matter how attached one is to their pet, it is important to be prepared for their loss as well. She says, “I have seen couples and families that go into depression when they lose a pet. We understand that it gets difficult to accept the loss of a loved one, but it is important to distance yourself and not blame anyone. This could lead to more problems in a relationsh­ip.”

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