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Giving up on sugar? Experts say, think again

Nutritioni­sts explain what it is like to give up on sugar entirely and why you must or must not follow it

- Prerna Gauba prerna.gauba@htlive.com

Thanks to our chock-ablock work schedules, regular workouts and following a diet becomes a challenge.

So, many of us, go the ‘obvious’ way and ditch the often blamed culprit — sugar. But is it the right thing to do? Experts say that there are a lot of things to consider. Firstly, it’s important to remember that there are different types of sugar — glucose, fructose, lactose, maltose and sucrose. And it is next to impossible to cut sugar completely from the diet as it is present naturally in our vegetables and fruits. “One should, however, cut down additional­ly added sugar as natural products are already fulfilling the requiremen­t of sugar to the body,” says nutritioni­st Nmami Agarwal. In agreement, nutritioni­st Kavita Devgan recommends the nominal sugar intake. “Two spoons of sugar each day that can be added to tea and coffee and a dessert per week to have at the most,” she says.


There are many variants of sugar available in the market, but not all are super calorific. “White sugar has just calories, but brown sugar, jaggery and maple syrup have many more nutrients and antioxidan­ts,” says Devgan. Maple syrup has the same amount of calories like white sugar but also has 65 antioxidan­ts. Similarly, jaggery has iron and more nutrients which are suitable for the body.

Experts suggest opting for such alternativ­es.

Also, one should include food that has natural sugar, like fruits, milk and vegetables, which are also loaded with nutrients. Milk has lactose along with calcium, protein, and a variety of minerals and vitamins. “Fruits contain natural sugars sucrose and fructose, along with fibre and other essential nutrients such as potassium, Vitamin C,” says Agarwal.


There are drawbacks to giving up any food item entirely. Sugar is also essential for the body as it is an excellent source of energy.

Hence, one could feel low on energy if sugar doesn’t go into the body.

“Sucrose is broken down into fructose and glucose to provide immediate energy while excess glucose is stored as glycogen for future use. As liver can metabolise a certain amount of sugar, fat increases as the amount of sugar intake increases which can lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovasc­ular disease,” adds Agarwal.

Also, the body is used to having sugar and will demand it. So instead of having sugar in tea or coffee, one would end up having it in a different form during the day. “Sugar is also fuel for the brain, so no sugar can cause the brain to act dull. One can feel moody and depressed, hence it’s very crucial to cut down on sugar but continue to have it in moderate amounts,” adds Devgan.


White sugar has just calories, but brown sugar, jaggery and maple syrup have nutrients and antioxidan­ts... Sugar is also fuel for the brain. One can feel moody, hence it’s very crucial to cut down on sugar but continue to have it in moderate amounts. KAVITA DEVGAN NUTRITIONI­ST

 ?? PHOTOS: ISTOCK ?? One can cut down on added sugar as natural products already fulfil the requiremen­t of sugar for the body
PHOTOS: ISTOCK One can cut down on added sugar as natural products already fulfil the requiremen­t of sugar for the body
 ??  ?? Jaggery is a great alternativ­e to white sugar, which only has calories
Jaggery is a great alternativ­e to white sugar, which only has calories

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