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I enjoy working out at gym as much as I do in a park: Adah

- Monika Rawal Kukreja

Joining the list of Bollywood and sports celebs who took the Hum Fit Toh India Fit challenge, actor Adah Sharma, too, did her bit, in a unique style. The actor posted the video on social media, where she is wearing a sari and is using mudgals for weight training. “Since this is a Fit INDIA challenge, I’m going all INDIAN. I’m patenting the wearing saree and working out look.... Other actresses pls don’t copy SAREE workouts (sic),” she wrote with her post. In a candid chat, Adah talks about what made her choose the less trodded path and how she keeps herself stylish.

You’ve taken this Hum Fit Toh India Fit challenge in a unique way. What was the idea?

I’m glad everyone enjoyed it and it reached over a million views in a few hours. I thought since it’s about fit INDIA, I should do an Indian form and chose the mudgal here.

Why did you choose to promote an Indian workout form?

I visited an akhaada in the interiors of Maharashtr­a recently and was so inspired by the level of fitness achieved using simple equipments. Some of these forms are dying because people aren’t aware of them. I like learning new forms of fitness, hence this.

You said that one doesn’t need fancy gyms or large resources for a fit body. Please elaborate...

I enjoy working out at the gym as much as I do in a park. Keeping your body fit is about the control you have over your mind; you can do it anywhere or you can find excuses and be unfit. You can jog on the spot and stretch, so don’t be lazy.

Do you feel Bollywood is setting the wrong example by promoting only expensive forms of workout?

Not at all! Expensive or nonexpensi­ve isn’t the thing. I think promoting exercise is a good thing and one should not judge it. As a celebrity, if you can inspire someone to be fit, it’s amazing. All forms of workout must be promoted.

For one of your recent shoots, you wore a bikini. Is this exercise form the secret behind your fit body?

There is no secret! It’s all out there. I have shared what I eat too — high fibre diet including daal, bhaaji, and rice. I don’t follow anything other than a balanced diet. I work out and dance, too. Yes, the mudgal did help me because I wanted to be strong and flexible. It makes the core strong, strengthen­s the muscles and keeps the spine supple. The bikini pictures had me hanging off ropes, so I needed to be super strong to do that. My fans waits to see me do something different and I don’t want to disappoint them.

 ??  ?? Adah Sharma posted her work out video on Instagram
Adah Sharma posted her work out video on Instagram

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