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‘We start shooting at home from June 25’

- Kavita Awaasthi kavita.awaasthi@htlive.com

After staying at home due to the pandemic, actor Shraddha Arya is raring to go back to work. While the shoot of her primetime TV show starts soon, it will not be on the set that she is used to. “We will start shooting on June 25 but from the confines of my home. We are going to shoot in our houses for sometime, till things get better outside, and hopefully, we will shoot on a real set soon,” she says.

The actor shot for a promo for the show and though it was a bit tough, she says “it was fun too”. “I will be managing it all from lighting and makeup, to camera angle and continuity. I shot a promo for the show and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. It gave me a sense of accomplish­ment because it was productive. Though, I have to say, it was quite draining, too. For now, we will try our best to shoot and what happens in the coming weeks will be the producers’ call as to when we go on an actual set.”

Since Unlock 1.0, Arya has stepped out to buy groceries and admits that “the fresh air felt good”. Talking about the new normal, she states, “I drove past the beach, which felt so refreshing. That’s when you realise that the small things give you great happiness. The new normal will be a novel experience. One has to wear masks at all time, hugs won’t be the same and handshakes are ruled out. There will be a constant fear and you will wonder if you are careful enough. But one has to learn to live with it.”

With the industry abuzz with talks regarding pay cuts of actors to manage budgets, Arya reveals that as of now, there has been no pay cut, “but I have been hearing some talk about it. As of now, our pay remains as is,” she signs off.

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