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How much water to drink daily?


The answer just cannot be a single fixed number that applies to everyone. Indian summer is when one has to drink plenty of water to remain healthy, hydrated and energetic. Most scientific recommenda­tions range from a minimum of 3.5 liters in men to 2 liters in women. As a general tip, at least 8 glasses would be a reasonable rule of thumb in normal circumstan­ces.

This may vary from somewhat less if one is living a sedentary life and spending most time in an airconditi­oned environmen­t, to much more if one is engaged in manual work under the hot sun. The body may sometimes require 10 liters (40 glasses) per day. The requiremen­t goes up during fever, sweating, diarrhea, vomiting or fasts.

Our thirst usually serves as a good monitor, but relying only on it can be misleading at times as the sensation is not always heeded during a busy day, and secondly, it kicks in after the body has started drying up.

Beating Indian summer is indeed a challeng*e. A good way is to start the day with 3-4 glasses of water, and drink another 2-8 glasses during the day, without waiting for thirst to remind you.

If you are passing urine 3-4 times a day, and it is colorless or light yellow, it usually means that your water intake is adequate. If it tends to be dark and scanty, it suggests inadequate water intake. You need to take heed.


Keeps the body hydrated l

(does not let it dry up and wilt)

Gets rid of wastes through l urination, perspirati­on and bowel movements Keeps your temperatur­e l


Lubricates and cushions l joints

Protects sensitive tissues, l

especially the kidneys On rare occasions, excess water intake can be detrimenta­l such as in congestive heart failure, some forms of chronic kidney and liver disease and low sodium states..

If you are feeling fatigued and irritable all day at work, it could be due to inadequate water in your body. Making it up by evening is not good enough. Start charging yourself with a few glasses of water in the morning before stepping out and before you start feeling thirsty, and see the difference.

But please avoid using plastic water bottles and make the earth warmer!

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