Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

AIDWA activists stage a demonstrat­ion against Mulayam Singh Yadav’s rape remark, in Lucknow on Friday.

RAPE REMARKS Women activists protest in state capital, demand apology


Women activists in Lucknow came out on the street on Friday to protest against the sexist remarks of Samajwadi Party leaders, demanding an apology from party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav.

On Thursday, Yadav called death penalty for rape “unfair” and on Friday Maharashtr­a unit chief Abu Azmi said women, including rape victims, who had sex outside marriage, should be hanged.

The activists wrote an open letter to Mulayam Singh Yadav, raising questions on his mindset about women and his sympathy towards rape accused and criminals.

The activists said that rape was not a mistake, it was a crime and politician­s should learn to understand the gravity of crimes.

Prof Roop Rekha Verma of Saanjhi Duniya, who led the protest said, “He calls himself a Samajwadi and follower of Lohia’s ideologies. But this behaviour and comments are a mockery of Samajwad and Lohia.”

The women activists accused Yadav of using such comments to garner support of criminals and rapists in the elections, calling it unfair.

Naish Hasan of Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan, who participat­ed in the protest said, “Mulayam says he would amend rape laws if he is elected. Why did he not comment on it when the Justice Verma Committee was constitute­d and it invited suggestion­s?”

The women said that Yadav should cite at least one incident in which an innocent was hanged in a rape case. “If he doesn’t answer, all of us will unite and give him an answer in this election,” said Asha Mishra of Mahila Federation.

Commenting on the mindset reflected by such remarks, Smita Singh, another woman activist said, “This is the reason why things are so bad in UP. Women are not safe, one incident after another occurs here and there is no fear of law among criminals. It is all because our ruling party supports criminals and not the victims.”

Tahira Hasan of All India Progressiv­e Women’s Associatio­n (AIPWA) said, “These are bizarre comments by SP leaders. Not only women but the entire civil society should oppose this. The party must apologise for insensitiv­ity towards women.”

“As soon as Mulayam’s comment started flashing on TV channels, the Ashiana gang rape victim’s father came to me, fearing that the accused in his case would be spared. Such comments are demoralisi­ng for victims.” said Madhu Garg, state secretary of AIDWA.

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 ?? ASHOK DUTTA/HT PHOTO ?? Women activists staging protests at Gandhi Statue in Hazratganj on Friday .
ASHOK DUTTA/HT PHOTO Women activists staging protests at Gandhi Statue in Hazratganj on Friday .
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