Hindustan Times (Lucknow)



To retrace the steps of Indian soldiers on the Western Front, browse through...

The India Corps on the Western Front: A Handbook and Battlefiel­d Guide, by Simon Doherty and Tom Donovan. The book combines the historical background that led to the employment of the Indian Army Corps in Europe with narratives of the 10 main operations that the Indian Army fought in France and Flanders (on the Western Front).

Indian Troops in Europe by Santanu Das, to be published December 2014. This is a visual record of the lives of the soldiers in photograph­s. “British India contribute­d the highest number of men — both combatants and non-combatants. Of them, over a million served overseas. This book is about these men: it is a visual record of their lives in Europe as well as the world they had left behind in India, the relentless routine of travel and the way we remember them,” says Das, who teaches English at King’s College, London.

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