Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

‘Accessibil­ity drives trust’

This leader believes that it is important to keep employees engaged, happy and motivated

- — Coordinate­d by Ayesha Banerjee

A leader is

One who can motivate and drive the team to deliver results

Person you’ve learned life’s greatest lesson from

Akio Morita, founder of Sony Corporatio­n

If you had to make a pitch for your company in one line, you’d say…

Don’t compromise. Get the best. Get Sony

A typical day for you at work involves

Discussion­s on how to keep improving and enhancing our customer offerings in India

The most important thing an organisati­on can do for its employees today is

Keep them engaged, motivated and happy, and help realise their potential

How accessible should a leader be to employees of an organisati­on?

I think accessibil­ity drives trust; trust drives honest conversati­ons and these conversati­ons, in turn, drive new ideas

What is that one critical factor which has helped you identify leaders among your employees?

A solutions and result oriented approach, and ability to convince internal and

external stakeholde­rs

Your organisati­on prioritise­s spending on

Bringing a smile on the customer’s face, so everything that needs to be done to achieve this - from products to services

CSR to you is…

Driving positive change in society

Your work mantra

The only place success comes before work, is in the dictionary

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