Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Ramzan a gift from the heavens


Ramzan is hailed by the Prophet as ‘a great month’ and ‘a month of great blessing’. It is the period when divine grace and benevolenc­e are showered on the faithful. In this month, prayers are especially heard, demons are enchained and their nuisance reduced, nuffils (voluntary acts of worship) are equated to farz (mandatory acts of worship) while the value (sawab) of farz is enhanced 70 times. It is the most opportune time for, so to say, earning wages for the next world. It should, therefore, be no surprise that, as Ramzan comes back, the entire Muslim community turns around to welcome it with a reverence and show of upright character and clean conduct not seen on any other occasion during the year.

Ramzan’s most basic requiremen­t is fasting daily from early dawn to dusk. This means no food, no drink and no smoking all day long. The fasting has little meaning if it is not accompanie­d by an effort to abstain from all evil and wrong-doing. The rozedar lives with patience and restraint and he is never expected to deviate from the righteous path even if provoked. He should think of himself as though he is under surveillan­ce. Two things which are especially recommende­d for the rozedar during the fast are istighfar (plea for forgivenes­s) and continued assertion of Kalima-iTayyaba (the most basic article of Muslim faith).

Fasting in Ramzan is mandatory for all adult Muslims as are offering of namaaz (prayers) five times daily throughout the year. Haj and zakat are also compulsory but they fall into a different category as their compliance is not binding on the Muslims who are relatively much poorer.

Ramzan i s notable f or the descension of the Holy Scripture. That is why in this month the sound of its recitation regularly echoes from the mosques and Muslim houses. A prayer called Tarawih is arranged every night following Ishan namaz. Starting with


the appearance of the Ramzan moon, Tarawih ends with the appearance of the Eid moon.

The month is also remarkable for a night called Lailatur Qadr described by the Holy Scripture as ‘superior to one thousand months’. It is the most glorious of all nights on which the Earth is graced by the visit of Archangel and on which those found praying and seeking forgivenes­s are sure to be blessed. However, the exact occurrence of this night is not known, it could be any of the nights of the month.

The ultimate purpose of month-long fasting is to make us better human beings. It is supposed to curb carnal passions and to strengthen spiritual qualities hidden in us. It is meant for developing piety, or what is called Taqwa. As the true teaching of Ramzan, it is supposed to be the most powerful quality that can prevent us from doing what is forbidden. As human beings, we are all prone to commit sin. This tendency is the most dangerous which, if unchecked, can jeopardise the chances of our spiritual salvation. It was the same kind of temptation which was responsibl­e for man’s fallen state and, which is known as the ‘original sin’. Man is here not to pass life in the way he likes but to live it in the way as desired by his Creator. This is the basic assumption of Islamic faith.

Fasting is not confined to Islam alone. It is a form of worship found in all religions. It teaches us patience, restraint and self-introspect­ion. It is the best way of purifying the heart and soul. It tells us the value of food and water. It is, above all, the most powerful shield against curse and calamities.

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