Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

‘Guidance’ is all around us. It’s up to us to heed it

- Jeet Singh

We instinctiv­ely know what is good and what is bad. We know what we should do and what we should not do. For example, we all know that being jealous or being envious of others’ success is not good. But we never take it seriously. The ‘guidance’ is all around us. From our parents, teachers, peers, books, scriptures, inner voice and laws down to the speed limit signs, we are constantly guided. It is up to us to pay attention to the ‘guidance’ or ignore it.

We go to a house of worship, be it a temple, church, mosque or gurudwara. We sit among the congregati­on; we listen to the sermon, kirtan or pooja. We feel good; we feel at peace and we feel close to god. That’s good but we should take one more step — we should incorporat­e those teachings, at least the ones that we can comprehend, into our daily life. I, for one, am not for blind faith no matter what is being said and who is saying it. There are hundreds of senseless teachings, customs, and superstiti­ons out there that do more harm than good. Anything that divides human beings is not good.

Every time we hear a sermon or read a book, we should take away a message and try to incorporat­e it in our life. If incorporat­ed, these universal truths can make your life amazingly easy, liberated, and peaceful, stress-free and blissfully happy.

For example, in Sikhism, Ardas is the prayer that is recited at the end of every religious discourse. The last line of the Ardas is: ‘Nanak naam chardi kala tere bhane sarbat da bhala’. The words ‘sarbat da bhala’ are worth incorporat­ing in your life.

‘Sarbat da bhala’ means ‘Blessings for everyone’ or literally ‘Prosperity for everyone’ and ‘Well being of all of humanity’. Try it. Instead of feeling jealous and envious of others, be happy in their progress, achievemen­ts and blessings. You will feel liberated, uplifted and experience a strange spiritual elevation.

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