Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

What makes Santhara a big issue

The HC judgment on the Jain practice highlights the incongruen­ce between our legal and religious systems

- Shekhar Hattangadi Shekhar Hattangadi is a law professor and documentar­y filmmaker The views expressed are personal

Ordinarily, a person — monk, nun, or laity — shunning food and drink and wasting away quietly in the corner of a Jain temple in small-town India would hardly merit the attention that Santhara practition­ers have received recently since the Rajasthan High Court banned the religious practice, and the Supreme Court promptly stayed the ban. Then why did the national —and internatio­nal — media get into a near-frenzy over the issue? I submit six ponderable­s:

One, the HC judgment was indeed historic. No other Indian court, in living memory, has criminalis­ed a centuries-old ritual with a rejection of its theologica­l rationale. Such a verdict was bound to stir a society like ours, with the Jains viewing it as an unjustifie­d State intrusion into hallowed precincts of their cosmology.

Two, the extreme nature of the practice itself. Santhara represents the highest ideal of ahimsa (non-violence, the fundamenta­l tenet of Jainism) but it also signifies the radical extent to which devout Jains can take their ideals of renunciati­on. No other world religion takes its fasts to this fanatical point; neither do any of them endorse the extinguish­ment of human life — even if voluntaril­y by the victim himself.

Three, its comparison with Sati. Reports — albeit unconfirme­d — of elderly women, particular­ly widows, being coerced by relatives into taking Santhara, and the very public evidence of glorificat­ion of these “victims” with an eye towards economical­ly exploiting their “sainthood” suggest a proximity with the abhorrent ritual of Sati. This partly explains the almost prurient interest in the Santhara controvers­y.

Four, the practition­ers. While only a fraction of the Jain population actually undertakes Santhara, the practice finds unequivoca­l support within the community. And these followers, though numericall­y diminutive, wield disproport­ionate heft. Apart from influentia­l top-line industrial­ists, they include the majority of petty traders and shopkeeper­s who keep the country’s economy ticking. Their impact was evident when they downed shutters nationwide to take their protest against the HC judgment to the streets. Little wonder that the UPA gave Jains official “minority” status on the eve of the 2014 general elections, and the BJP is bending over backwards to impose an meat ban during the ongoing paryushan season of fasting among Jains.

Five, coming as it did after nearly a decade of dithering by several judges, the Rajasthan HC judgment has opened a Pandora’s box of legal controvers­y. For one, the judgment brought into sharp relief the inherent incongruen­ce between our legal system whose norms are derived from the Anglo-Saxon jurisprude­nce inherited from British colonialis­ts of the Judeo-Christian faith, and our religious belief systems which, for the most part, stem from the world-view of Eastern philosophi­es. For another, the judgment proved that legal doctrines — debatable to begin with — applied mechanical­ly without an adequate applicatio­n of mind can result in the wrong questions being wrongly asked.

And six, what will the Santhara controvers­y — and its legal ramificati­ons — mean to other religious practices that tend to push the limits of the law as it exists in our statute books? Let’s wait and watch.

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