Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Most annoying Net habit: Spreading rumours

SURVEY 33% netizens in India hate excessive selfie takers; 65% admit to being ‘Internet addicts’


LUCKNOW: Spreading rumours is the most annoying Internet habit.

Strangely, people who spread false rumours are also prone to posting e-cards and delicious food pictures, found a survey on ‘worst internet habits’ commission­ed by a telecom services company.

Thirty-three per cent Indians hate excessive selfie takers, against the regional average of 21%.

Also, 65% of netizens in India who responded to the Telenor group survey admit to being ‘Internet addicts’ - just under the regional average of 67% addiction.

The inter net behavioral survey was conducted across India, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia.

The results reveal that Asia is unified in many aspects, with country-specific difference­s.

“As online access increases in the country, 94% of the Indians surveyed say that Internet has improved their lives -- the highest percentage among the surveyed nations. Indians are aware of their online behaviour and want to make sure that the Internet remains an inclusive and regulated domain,” says Sharad Mehrotra, CEO, Telenor India.

On curbing perceived annoy- ing behaviour, the survey says Indians believe it requires a combinatio­n of government regulation and parental interventi­on.

Twenty per cent Indians feel that government-run education programmes should be utilized to improve Internet etiquette

A noteworthy 28% Indians say sympathy-seeking posts on Facebook are very irritating.

When respondent­s were asked which online annoying behaviour they engaged in themselves, 23% admitted to being most guilty of Facebook voyeurism (looking but not posting) and sending e-cards.

Indians are aware of their online behaviour and want to make sure that the Internet remains an inclusive and regulated domain.


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