Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

The profession must heal itself

The Indian Medical Associatio­n needs to introspect on the state of private medical services in an unequal market-led India


School textbooks in recent decades have frequently become battlegrou­nds for ideologica­l contestati­on in India. Most textbook wars are to advance majoritari­an perspectiv­es on history and culture. However, a recent very different textbook skirmish broke out about the public and private sectors in healthcare. The story of this ideologica­l clash is bemusing and instructiv­e, illuminati­ng competing perspectiv­es on the nature of education, healthcare and markets in new India.

This clash surfaced when the Indian Medical Associatio­n (IMA) complained to the President and prime minister about the ‘objectiona­ble descriptio­n’ of private health providers in a Class VII NCERT social science textbook. They protested that private sector treatment was depicted as sometimes resorting to unethical practices, and much more expensive than in government hospitals. This would give the message that ‘private sector fleeces money’ (sic) and ‘brainwash’ students, ruining their faith in private health services.

The textbook is part of a remarkable series on ‘Social and Political Life’ developed consultati­vely by the NCERT with academics, teachers, researcher­s, and civil society organisati­ons. The chapter interrogat­es the state’s responsibi­lity in a democracy and the implicatio­ns of insufficie­nt provisioni­ng by government of public goods, specifical­ly healthcare. It relates the story of Hakim Sheikh, who fell off a train in West Bengal and suffered head injuries. Eight government hospitals refused to admit him for treatment, and he finally resorted to expensive private treatment. Later he went to court, which ruled that it was the duty of the State to safeguard the right to life, and directed the State to reimburse the cost of private treatment.

In a rejoinder to the PM to the IMA’s allegation that students will be ‘brainwashe­d’ against private healthcare, 200 medical profession­als, educationi­sts, academics, and other concerned individual­s observed, ‘It has been long establishe­d that students, however young, bring to the classroom knowledge and experience that the classroom process needs to facilitate as part of the process of learn- ing. The IMA’s objection… is not only disingenuo­us but completely misunderst­ands and disregards the educationa­l requiremen­ts of textbooks’.

There is no doubt that the textbook is founded on the premise that it is the primary duty of the State to ensure healthcare of all its citizens independen­t of their capacity to pay. This is in conformity with the position of the Constituti­on, and Supreme Court rulings which maintain that the fundamenta­l right to life includes the right to healthcare. However, this contradict­s the view not just of the IMA but also of the Niti Aayog, which recommends that the private sector and insurance-based models be given an even greater role in the health system which would require people to pay for health services. It says that providing free treatment, diagnostic­s and medicines would be anachronis­tic at a time when the government was trying to rationalis­e and target the subsidy regime.

However, India’s public spending on healthcare, at just above 1% of GDP, is among the lowest in the world. By contrast, Brazil spends 4.7, China 3.1, South Africa 4.3 and the United States 8.1%. Public spending is under a third of total health spending in India, as compared with nearly half or more in these other countries. The WHO found in 2013 that 86% private health spending in India was ‘out-ofpocket’ payment. A 2011 Lancet study found that 39 million Indians fall into poverty yearly from medical expenses.

The inequities of India’s health system are well-summarised in the remarkable school textbook, which so offended the IMA. It points out that India is the largest producer of doctors in the world, but most settle in urban areas and opt for the private service or migrate abroad, but half a million people still die of tuberculos­is each year, a figure unchanged since Independen­ce. A 2013 WHO paper observes that in 1947, only 8% healthcare delivery was private. Today, 80-85% licensed physicians, 93% hospitals and 80% OPDs operate for-profit. Private physicians are remunerate­d on a fee-for-service basis. Non-profit private physicians, in non-government­al or faith-based organisati­ons, provide only 1.32% of private consultati­ons. Rural medical providers are generally unqualifie­d. It further states that the predominan­ce of private healthcare is largely a consequenc­e of the government’s economic policies, the rapid influx of technology and the increasing number of Indians who have moderate incomes. It expresses concerns that private care is too expensive, poorly regulated and associated with inadequate training and a general lack of practice standards.

What riled the IMA most was the textbook’s observatio­n that the private sector sometimes resorts to unethical treatment practices. The offending passage reads: ‘In order to earn more money, these private services encourage practices that are incorrect. At times, cheaper methods, though available, are not used. For example, it is common to find doctors prescribin­g unnecessar­y medicines, injections or saline bottles when tablets or simple medicines can suffice.’

But earlier this year, a whistle-blowing doctor in Maharashtr­a, Arun Gadre, reported much graver, widespread examples of irrational drug prescripti­ons, bribes for referrals, and unnecessar­y diagnostic­s and surgeries. He stated that India’s private healthcare sector ‘treats patients as revenue generators’. For instance, doctors get ` 30,000-40,000 for referring patients for angioplast­y. A pathologis­t he interviewe­d testified that he contacted 150 doctors but only three agreed to refer patients for investigat­ions without kickbacks. Gynaecolog­ists performed ultrasound without indication­s on pregnant women and then advised cervical stitches to prevent miscarriag­e. He also spoke of the shocking ‘sink test’, in which numerous unnecessar­y laboratory tests are prescribed, the results fabricated and blood samples poured down the sink.

Amidst all this, rather than try to block enquiry and compassion among school students, surely the IMA needs to introspect on the shameful state of private medical services in unequal market-led India. It needs to recall that medicine is a profession for healing rather than cynical profit making.

 ?? AP ?? India’s public spending on healthcare, at just above 1% of GDP, is among the lowest in the world. By contrast, Brazil spends 4.7%, China 3.1% and the United States 8.1%
AP India’s public spending on healthcare, at just above 1% of GDP, is among the lowest in the world. By contrast, Brazil spends 4.7%, China 3.1% and the United States 8.1%
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