Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Happiness comes to those who enjoy the simple things in life

- Ruchi Gupta (Inner Voice comprises contributi­ons from our readers The views expressed are personal)

Births and deaths are a part of life but if we look at the purpose of life, it would be one: Living those happy moments. But here’s a dilemma — everyone wants to be happy but why do they find it so difficult to be happy? The only reason I can think of is complexity.

The more complexity in life, the less the happiness within us. We get so engrossed in the outside world that we forget to keep peace within ourselves. Until one day when we realise that we are dissatisfi­ed.

Are our work, money, possession­s and relationsh­ips the source of happiness? The majority will answer ‘no’. Ask yourself: Are you really happy? Happiness is the most precious jewel of life, but it comes to those who enjoy simple things in life.

Take a break and run away from mails and phones. Forget your office profile, your luxury car and your dream home. Open your eyes and watch your kids play. Have a cup of tea with your partner and ask how things have been. Spend time with your parents. Connect with your neighbour. Open your window and listen to birds chirping. Dance without a reason. See how life was running while you were still busy meeting targets. You will realise that you were so busy earning that at the end of the day you forgot to enjoy and celebrate.

Happiness is infectious, a happy person infects thousands. It’s all around you, it’s everywhere. Open your arms and grab as much as you can. It’s the only resource that will go extinct if we forget to experience it. Make your life a little simpler to enjoy what you are here for.

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