Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

AQ Khan’s new area of focus: Menopause

- Imtiaz Ahmad letters@hindustant­imes.com

Abdul Qadeer Khan, the brain behind Pakistan’s nuclear programme, has found a topic far removed from his expertise in metallurgy for his weekly newspaper columns—menopause.

In an article that appeared this week in The News, an English daily in which he writes regularly, Khan noted the rest of the world was focusing on menopause but “not much attention” had been paid to the issue in Pakistan, except for two useful articles.

Khan reflected on the extreme intricacy of the human body, describing it as “Allah’s work” and a wondrous miracle.

“Every organ of the human body performs a very specific, complicate­d job with great precision. Allah has also given humans the ability to understand and to gain knowledge of this system and, very often, to cure or repair it when things go wrong,” he wrote.

The remainder of the article talked about issues related to menopause.

Khan concluded his piece by stating that he intended to write more about menopause. “In my next column I will go into greater detail on the influence of these hormones on pre-menstrual, menstrual and post-menstrual health and behaviour of women and the current availabili­ty of treatment,” he said.

A satirical online publicatio­n, Khabarista­n Times, alleged most of the article was plagiarise­d from different medical journals. There was no response to this from Khan.

 ??  ?? Abdul Qadeer Khan
Abdul Qadeer Khan

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