Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

UN official keen on Kashi hosting meet

- Sudhir Kumar Sudhir.kumar1@hindustan.times.com

With an aim to ensure peace and harmony, the United Nations will hold three regional meetings with religious leaders from the Americas, Africa and the Asia-Pacific in 2016. An official of the world body said he wished the meeting with religious leaders from the Asia Pacific should take place in Varanasi. Two such meetings have already taken place in Italy and Jordan.

This informatio­n was disclosed by Adama Dieng, special adviser to the United Nations secretary-general on the prevention of genocide, at an internatio­nal summit on peace and harmony at Swatantrat­a Bhavan, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), on Sunday. The internatio­nal summit was organised by the UNESCO chair for peace and intercultu­ral understand­ing, Malviya Centre for peace Research, BHU, in collaborat­ion with the National Foundation for Communal Harmony and Manav Ekta Mission.

Later, interactin­g with HT, Dieng said, “The meetings with religious leaders from the Americas, Africa and the AsiaPacifi­c will take place in 2016. One of the scheduled meetings will take place in Washington in February 2016.

“Given the rich diversity of religions practised in India, it would be wonderful if the meeting with religious leaders from the Asia-Pacific region could take place in this country – and perhaps even here in Benares, a place that represents the Indian model of promoting freedom of religion and interfaith collaborat­ion to strengthen social cohesion and resilience to violence,” Dieng said.

 ?? HTPHOTO ?? Senior United Nations official Adama Dieng, spiritual leader Sri M, BHU chancellor Dr Karan Singh and vice chancellor prof Girish Chandra Tripathi at Banaras Hindu University on Sunday.
HTPHOTO Senior United Nations official Adama Dieng, spiritual leader Sri M, BHU chancellor Dr Karan Singh and vice chancellor prof Girish Chandra Tripathi at Banaras Hindu University on Sunday.

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