Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Optimism can uplift you and help you attract positivity

- SC Khungar

Optimism brings hope and confidence. Being optimistic is to view everything as part of nature and mankind as being ordained for the best. Positive thoughts make a man optimistic and negative ones make people pessimisti­c.

A pessimist sees red lights and difficulty in every situation, whereas an optimist sees an opportunit­y in every difficulty. An optimist hopes for the best and sees the brighter side of the situation. A negative mind brings all sorts of problems, anxieties, anger and failures, but a positive mind brings cheer and happiness. He who always thinks the best for all makes people happy. He fights with all the positivity and finally succeeds.

A ne g ative mind wakes up depressed, while a positive mind begins the day with a smile.

An old man told his grandson, “There is always a battle of two wolves going on inside every person. The evil wolf is full of anger, jealousy, greed, uncertaint­y, and doubt. The other is full of joy, peace, love, kindness and faith.” The boy thought about it and asked, “Which wolf wins?” The old man replied, “The one you feed.”

The old man then explained how it works. “Our thoughts are charged with positive and negative emotions. As per the law of attraction, like attracts like. Therefore, when you focus on the positive aspects of life, you get positivity in return. The same is the case when you look on the negative aspects of life.”

Optimism can uplift you and help you attract positivity. Remember, there is always the sun behind the dark clouds. Spring is sure to follow winter, and add fragrance to your life.

(Inner Voice comprises contributi­ons from our readers The views expressed are personal)

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