Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Ex-Russia doping boss was planning book before death


MOSCOW: The former executive director of the Russian anti-doping agency planned to write a book on drug use in sports shortly before his sudden death, a former colleague and Britain’s Sunday Times newspaper reported Sunday.

Sunday Times sportswrit­er David Walsh, renowned for his coverage of cycling champion Lance Armstrong’s doping, reported that Kama ev wrote to him in November offering to reveal informatio­n on doping covering the last three decades since Kamaev began work for a “secret lab” in the Soviet Union.

Kamaev’s former boss at the RUSADA agency, Ramil Khabriev, told Russia’s Tass agency that Kamaev planned a book but abandoned it because an “American publisher” had demanded too much influence over its contents.

Kamaev died February 14, aged 52, of what the Russian anti-doping agency called a “massive heart attack.”

In Walsh’s account, Kamaev was quick to contact The Sunday Times after a World Anti-Doping Agency commission accused RUSADA of helping to cover up doping by top Russian athletes as part of a systematic, state-spon- sored program of drug use.

According to the newspaper, Kamaev said he had collected unpublishe­d “actual documents, including confidenti­al sources, regarding the developmen­t of performanc­e enhancing drugs and medicine in sport,” plus communicat­ions with the Russian Sports Ministry and Internatio­nal Olympic Committee. It is not clear whether Kamaev ever provided any documents.

Walsh wrote that Kamaev first made contact on Nov. 21, three days after WADA declared RUSADA non-compliant, effectivel­y shutting down its operations. Kamaev remained at RUSADA until December before resigning.

Walsh said that Kamaev wanted him to be his co-author but that the book plans did not proceed further.

 ?? AP ?? Nikita Kamaev.
AP Nikita Kamaev.

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