Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Pakistan may use F-16 against India: US lawmakers


US lawmakers have once again questioned Obama administra­tion’s decision to sell F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan, saying they will be used against India, not on terrorists as claimed.

Pointing to Pakistan’s checkered record on counter-terrorism, they wanted to know if it won’t be more prudent to give them weapon systems “well-crafted” for combating terrorism instead.

“Many members of Congress, including me, seriously question the judgement and timing of such a sale,” said Matt Salmon, a Republican member of House of Representa­tives.

“Additional­ly, Indo-Pak tensions remain elevated and some question whether the F-16s could ultimately be used against India or other regional powers, rather than the terrorists as Pakistan as asserted,” he added.

Brad Sherman, a Democrat, said, “We’ve got to be concerned … whether the F-16s constitute the least expensive, most efficient way for the Pakistani air force to go after the terrorists.”

The remarks were made at a congressio­nal hearing on Wednesday to consider the state department’s budgetary allocation­s for conducting relations with Pakistan and Afghanista­n.

The Obama administra­tion has decided to sell Pakistan eight F-16s, ignoring concerns in the US, raised by lawmakers and experts, and India, which has officially protested.

Concerned lawmakers in the senate and the House of representa­tives have put a procedural hold on the subsidized sale, denying congressio­nally-approved financing for it.

The administra­tion has told congress the sale would be worth $699.04 million, 42% of which is to be subsidized by the US, and has sought approval for it. That remains denied so far. Pakistan wants these fighter jets for combating terrorists.

The Obama administra­tion, which was represente­d at the hearing by state department’s special representa­tive for Afghanista­n and Pakistan Richard Olson, agrees.

Olson told lawmakers the administra­tion supports the sale. “The Pakistanis have developed a precision strike capability that they use in the F-16s they have right now to take out targets.”

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