Hindustan Times (Lucknow)



Bangladesh’s prime minister urged parents whose children have gone missing to provide informatio­n after some of the militants who attacked a Dhaka cafe last week turned out to be young men who had broken contact with their well-to-do families.

Twenty people were killed in the attack when five Bangladesh­i men stormed into the cafe.

Three of them attended prestigiou­s schools or universiti­es in Dhaka and Malaysia and had been reported missing from their homes for months. One was the son of a politician.

Police have not determined how the five men, who were from 19 to 26 years old, turned into coldbloode­d killers. They are also trying to identify those who orchestrat­ed the attack, one of the worst in Bangladesh’s history.

In the investigat­ion into another incident on Thursday, in which militants attacked police guarding one of the country’s biggest Eid gatherings, a missing university student was identified as a suspected terrorist killed during a shootout with police.

Acquaintan­ces said the young attacker was Abir Rahman, a North South University (NSU) student who had been missing for the past eight months, Dhaka Tribune reported. Rahman was pursuing a BBA degree at NSU, the paper said. One of the suspects in the Dhaka cafe attack was also a student of NSU.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, battling escalating Islamist militancy, appealed for cooperatio­n from parents whose children had left home without explanatio­n.

“We have learned that many college and university students are missing. Don’t just file a GD, give us all the informatio­n and photos,” she said on Thursday. A GD is an initial police report.

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