Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Docs deny MTP of rape victim, her mother tells them ‘keep the child’

LEGAL POSITION Doctors have compiled their medical review report and it will be handed over to the family’s counsel, according to the Bareilly CMO

- Chandan Kumar chandan.kumar3@hindustant­imes.com

BAREILLY: Left in the lurch after her pregnant rape survivor daughter was denied permission by a doctors’ panel to abort the 33-week foetus, the mother of the girl said those who denied permission for abortion should keep the child.

“I don’t know where will she deliver the child and what will happen to it but I will not allow that child in my home. The doctors or someone from the court who declined permission for terminatio­n (abortion) should keep it,” said the survivor’s mother.

Speaking to HT, the dejected girl’s father said: “The system has declined to accept terminatio­n of her pregnancy and my society is not ready to accept her with it.” He added, “People in my village have already started talking about her. They hold her responsibl­e for it (rape). Now, this child will add to our misery and we will be made outcasts.”

The father also voiced the fear that his family could be forced out of the village. “His (accused) family is rich and they will make it impossible for us to live there.”

As per the findings of the medical team which examined the girl, she is “32 to 33 weeks pregnant” with no option of abortion. This has left the girl only with the alternativ­e of delivering the baby, which is expected by the end of this month.

The father, who alleges being constantly hounded by local police and the family of the accused, said he has been forced to think about leaving the village. “I will sell off my house and move to some other city with my family. Why should we live in a place where we are not accepted?” he questioned.

BAREILLY: The panel of doctors that reviewed the pregnancy of a teenage rape survivor here has turned down her family’s request for medical terminatio­n, citing ‘advanced pregnancy’ as the reason. The decision, made public on Monday, has quashed the last hope of the victim and her family to get the unwanted pregnancy aborted.

According to the findings of the medical board, the girl’s ultrasound and other medical tests show that she is “32-33 weeks pregnant”. The report states that “terminatio­n of pregnancy in such an advanced stage was not suggested as per the Medical Terminatio­n of Pregnancy Act.”

Speaking to HT, chief medical officer (CMO) of Bareilly, Dr Vijay Yadav said, “The doctors have compiled their medical review report and it will be handed over to the family’s counsel.”

The CMO was directed by the Allahabad high court to look into the matter after hearing the petition of the girl’s father seeking MTP. On his directions, the victim was examined by a panel of two senior gynaecolog­ists of women’s hospital, Bareilly, last Thursday. The girl, who is just 14 years old, according to her school leaving certificat­e, was repeatedly raped by a man on the pretext of marriage. Once she conceived, he left her.

The young rape survivor and her family were not ready to allow the child to be born and thus filed an appeal seeking MTP. The appeal was first declined by a lower court and then by a fast track court (rape) in Bareilly. Following this, her father had moved a revision petition in Allahabad High Court.


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