Hindustan Times (Lucknow)


- KARANTHAPA­R The views expressed are personal

Let me start with an admission. I don’t use Twitter and often joke that those who do are twits. Indeed, for me, the term hashtag used to be rather misleading. So I have to say I’m stunned by the way politician­s have taken to Twitter and made it their favourite form of messaging.

It’ s not just our own Na rend ra Mo di or Donald Trump that prefer to encapsulat­e their messages in the 140 characters Twitter permits, it seems leading politician­s all over the world do the same. These days politician­s don’t speak. They prefer to tweet, even if what they produce is not the sweet sound of a little bird.

A recent article by the Pakistani expert on terror, Ahmed Rashid, says Nawaz Sharif and the country’s army chief have become dab hands at Twitter. He calls their rule “governance by tweet”.

Now, there’s no doubt the political use of Twitter has advantages. It permits instant and focused comment, almost in real time, on a range of events. These can be accessed without any cost, at any time, by anyone who has a smartphone. The social media universe that emerges is interactiv­e and permits a direct response.

However, the disadvanta­ges are not just greater but hardly talked about. Let me quote from Ahmed Rashid’s conclusion about the twitterisa­tion of governance in Pakistan: “The unpreceden­ted use of Twitter has led to a major threat to media freedom in Pakistan. It bars journalist­s from asking any quesget tions, provides no transparen­cy and encourages state censorship on issues the government does not want to discuss … generals and politician­s have ceased to give press conference­s or briefings. Now 140 characters is presumed to convey enough informatio­n which the media has no choice but to be satisfied with.”

Think about this carefully because it could happen in India too. We’re not quite there as yet but I fear we’re heading in that direction even if unwittingl­y.

Our prime minister doesn’t hold press conference­s and only gives interviews to journalist­s he trusts. On Twitter, however, he’s not just prompt but often prolific. Yet this means we only to know what he has to say within the limits of 140 characters.

For all that Modi claims to believe in it, twitterisa­tion leads to a lack of transparen­cy. Each time a politician opts to tweet, rather than answer questions from journalist­s, he’s limiting his accountabi­lity to the media and, therefore, the wider public. Even if at a press conference questions are deliberate­ly not answered they are at least asked and the evasion noted. But you can’t really ask questions on a Twitter feed. That means you can’t cross-question. Hence politician­s can get away with whatever they assert no matter how silly or downright wrong.

Let me make a prediction: The more politician­s tweet the less they will be available for questionin­g and the greater the consequent impact on the rights of the press. Depending on how far this goes it will diminish press freedom.

Of course, we want to know what our politician­s think and tweets make that easy. However, I would say more often we want to question what they think. But the twitterisa­tion of their views prevents that. Knowing is, of course, important but questionin­g could often be critical. When that’s denied the tweet you receive could end up treating you like a twit.

 ?? REUTERS ?? The political use of Twitter has advantages, but the disadvanta­ges are greater
REUTERS The political use of Twitter has advantages, but the disadvanta­ges are greater
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