Hindustan Times (Lucknow)


- Yashwant Raj yashwant.raj@hindustant­imes.com

Senior US lawmaker Ted Poe said he was “very hopeful” of the enactment of a legislatio­n he had introduced, calling for the administra­tion to make a determinat­ion if Pakistan is a state-sponsor of terrorism, or not.

This is the second time the Texas Republican who heads the powerful House subcommitt­ee on terrorism, has moved this bill; the last one in September 2016 did not go anywhere, coming as it did in the dying days of that congress. Lawmakers were focussed on their re-election and the country was in the middle of a bitterly contested race for the White House.

He has time now. And, in a marked contrast to his previous attempt, Republican­s are in control of both congress and the White House.

The bill already has the support of many lawmakers, Poe told reporters in a conference call from Texas, adding he expected to see some lawmakers sign on as co-sponsors. Dana Rohrabache­r, a Republican who had jointly moved the last bill, was on board already.

Poe also said he believed this White House “would be sympatheti­c to the bill” as it “just requires” a determinat­ion to be made either way: yes or no. And not, he stressed again and again, that Pakistan be named one. The very process of making that determinat­ion, if the bill was enacted, would be embarrassi­ng enough for Pakistan. And if it was indeed designated a state-sponsor of terrorism, it would be subjected to limited financial aid, ban on defense exports and restricted access to dual use items.

Poe’s bill asks the president to issue a report within 90 days of signing the bill into law “whether Pakistan has provided support for internatio­nal terrorism”. And the secretary of state should issue a report after 30 days either making a “determinat­ion that Pakistan is a state sponsor of terrorism or a detailed justificat­ion as to why it does not meet the legal criteria for such a designatio­n”.

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