Hindustan Times (Lucknow)


- Neha Mehta (Inner Voice comprises contributi­ons from our readers The views expressed are personal) innervoice@hindustant­imes.com n

Ever wondered how time plays its cards, making us dance to its tunes? When we want it to run fast, it tests our patience by crawling at a sluggish speed, and when we want to see and experience life’s best moments, it just flies past us in the wink of an eye.

Given this strange pattern, we fail to comprehend the actual truth behind this phenomenon. Time acts at its own pace, not having any personal agenda against you or anyone for that matter.

We cannot, of course, deny that our lives pretty much revolve around time, both the good or the hard times. But at the end, what matters is how you have lived and dealt with that particular time in life. It is the quality of time that matters, how well the time is spent.

Life is all we have got and in this race against time, where we don’t know how the turn of the clock is going to be, the best thing is to just go with the flow and make the most of what you have — in other words the motto should be carpe diem.

We should show life that hard times are not that powerful as to beat us down and that we can fight it out. Be grateful for all the good times and do keep them alive in the soul of your heart so that they come back to you when the hard times are over.

Once you master art of living and making peace with your own time, life’s clock will definitely adjust to your speed.

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