Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Iraqi violinist plays in Mosul as troops battle Islamic State


MOSUL: Amid the bombed-out ruins of an ancient site revered by both Muslims and Christians in Mosul, Iraqi violinist Ameen Mukdad on Wednesday held a small concert in the city he was forced to flee by Islamic State militants.

As Mukdad played scores he had composed in secret while living under the militants’ austere rule, explosions and gunfire could be heard from Mosul’s western districts where US-backed forces are still battling Islamic State for control. “This is a place for all, not just one sect. Daesh represents no religion but is an ideology that suppresses freedom,” Mukdad told Reuters. “Everything about Daesh is wrong.”

Mukdad, 28, fled Mosul after Islamic State stormed his house and confiscate­d his instrument­s, deeming his music a violation of their hardline interpreta­tion of Sunni Islam. Wednesday’s hour-long concert marked his first return to the city overrun by Islamic State in 2014.

Mukdad said he chose the Tomb of Jonas, or Mosque of the Prophet Younis, as the site is known by Muslims, to symbolise unity.

“I want to take the opportunit­y to send a message to the world and send a strike against terrorism and all ideologies which restrict freedom that music is a beautiful thing,” he said. “Everyone who opposes music is ugly.”

“The performanc­e was like a dream,” said Tahany Saleh.

“I wanted to come to give a message that war has not stopped life in Mosul,” she said.

“You can see all this damage but still we still want to be happy, we want to listen music.”

 ?? REUTERS ?? Ameen Mukdad performs at Nabi Yunus shrine in eastern Mosul, Iraq, on Wednesday.
REUTERS Ameen Mukdad performs at Nabi Yunus shrine in eastern Mosul, Iraq, on Wednesday.

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