Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Another triumph for gender rights

The SC’s message: Individual­s have a right to sexual autonomy


Husband is not the master. Equality is the governing parameter.” This part of the judgment read out by Chief Justice Dipak Misra is the crux of the verdict delivered by a five-judge bench while striking down Section 497, which deemed adultery a crime. The archaic law stipulated that only a married man can invoke Section 497 against another man for having a relationsh­ip with his wife. A woman with a similar grievance could not approach the court. The law also interprete­d adultery as a married man’s sexual relationsh­ip with a married woman which meant that his relations with, say, a single woman was not.

What activists and many women found unpalatabl­e is that the law only saw adultery as a dispute between two men, one of whom could decide on his wife’s behaviour. The verdict is acknowledg­ment that what may be deemed a moral wrong by some is not a criminal wrong. It also firmly supports the fact that the law alone cannot protect a marriage. The state, as made clear from the underlying sentiments of the verdict, has no place in the private lives of people as long as they are engaged in consensual relationsh­ips. The judges made it clear that women no longer live in the shadows of their husbands and are not mere objects who can be preyed upon by men who then become criminally liable if the woman’s husband has not given his consent to an adulterous relationsh­ip. Earlier, too, the apex court had expressed its unhappines­s with women being treated thus. Adultery remains a ground for divorce but now is applicable to both parties involved.

Perhaps the most progressiv­e bit of the verdict came from Justice Chandrachu­d ,who said that partners in marriage do not mortgage their sexual autonomy to each other, effectivel­y taking the morality argument out of adultery. This comes soon after the landmark judgment that decriminal­ised homosexual­ity. The court has shown itself to be far more in sync with changes in society than government­s of all hues. Regressive thinking has now been firmly swept aside in a triumph for gender equality.

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