Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Discovery of pseudo shock waves in sun a major breakthrou­gh

- The author is an institute professor in the department of physics, IITBHU, Varanasi.)

The sun we look at every day in visible light has a temperatur­e of 6000 degrees Celsius. No sunlight means no life on our planet. But its outer atmosphere (corona) produces ultraviole­t (UV) and X-rays. How can this heat flow from the cold (surface of the sun) to the million-degree hot corona, and not vice versa?

The first clues to the hot corona came from the 1869 eclipse observatio­n of the 530.3 nm green coronal line. In 1941, Nobel laureate Hannes Alfvén concluded that the sun’s corona is “heated to an extremely high temperatur­e”.

Bengt Edlén, an eminent Swedish physicist, identified green and red emission lines observed during the solar eclipse with highly ionized iron.

After over seven decades of this Nobel-prize winning discovery, scientists are still investigat­ing as to what extent these waves are capable of heating the solar corona to the high temperatur­e.

The solar corona shapes the structure and dynamics of the heliospher­e (a bubble-like region of space) within which all planets of our solar system reside. It constitute­s an interplane­tary magnetic field and creates space weather in planetary atmosphere­s, including our own.

Hazardous space weather events caused by solar activity (flares, coronal mass ejections, and all sorts of eruptions) pose serious threat. This includes damaging satellite’s electronic­s, changing the satellite’s trajectory, increased radiation dose to astronauts in space, disrupting global positionin­g and navigation systems, and tripping of power grids, etc.

Various dynamical plasma processes, high-energy particles and radiation provide a platform to test theories of high-energy physics, particle physics and plasma physics, which provide significan­t clues to the controlled fusion, and laboratory plasma experiment­s to generate and control energy.

It also provides a ready reference to exploring various other astrophysi­cal plasma sources, specifical­ly sun-like stars and their solar systems.

Even the main science goals of the “Parker Solar Probe” mission, launched on August 12, 2018, are to trace the flow of energy and to understand the heating of the solar corona and the accelerati­on of the solar wind.

Various ground and spacebased solar observator­ies have reached the sub-arcsec (one arcsec = 725 km) resolution separating the region at the sun from a few tens to a few hundred kilometres.

Several existing theoretica­l studies of natural science have been refined and new discoverie­s have been made by observing and understand­ing the sun for decades namely, discovery of helium, Evershed flows, several forbidden line spectra, Alfvén waves, neutrino oscillatio­ns, etc.

Indian solar physics community has made outstandin­g contributi­ons in developing various instrument­s since the establishm­ent of Kodaikanal Observator­y (formerly known as Madras Observator­y) which have now been globally distribute­d in various research and academic universiti­es.

IIT (BHU) has a long track record of pursuing frontline research areas of solar physics starting from Skylab to Yohkoh spacecraft and later in the golden era of Solar and Heliospher­ic Observator­y (SoHO) when several pioneering discoverie­s were made. Recently, IIT (BHU) has made a novel discovery under the leadership of Dr AK Srivastava and his colleagues of confined pseudoshoc­ks in the sun’s magnetised atmosphere. This research has been published in the leading journal “Nature Astronomy” on October 8, 2018.

Pseudo-shocks were first theorised in supersonic flows in ducts way back in 1958 which decelerate to subsonic speeds. In the sun’s atmosphere, they are not real shocks which cause only the sharp enhancemen­t of mass density at certain localised regions.

These pseudo-shocks carry enough energy and mass flux to the corona, which balance the coronal losses. They are discovered as a new energy source in the sun’s atmosphere.

The newly-discovered pseudo-shocks will play a pivotal role in the frontline area of research in solar physics and astrophysi­cs.

This discovery may well be scaled down to the controlled plasma experiment­s in the laboratory to provide an extensive source of “green-energy”.

IIT (BHU) is at the forefront of taking this novel discovery to higher dimensions in the upcoming research.


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