Hindustan Times (Lucknow)


- Veena Shenoy Inner Voice comprises contributi­ons from our readers. The views expressed are personal Innervoice@hindustant­imes.com

There is a popular story of how a frog survived despite falling in a deep pit. The story goes like this: When a group of frogs were travelling in a jungle, two frogs fell into a deep pit. Instead of encouragin­g the two to climb up the pit , the other frogs discourage­d them and said that they will not be able to survive. Despite this, the two frogs struggled to climb. However, after some time, one of the frogs paid attention to his friends’ advice and stopped trying. He finally gave up and died. However, the second frog kept trying and finally managed to climb up. When the other frogs asked him why he did not listen to their advice, the frog replied that he was deaf and thought that his friends were actually encouragin­g him to climb. So, being deaf helped the frog ignore the words of discourage­ment. In the same manner, many a times, we have to turn deaf ears to words of discourage­ment and move on in life with our goals.

There are children among the less privileged strata of society who cannot pursue their passion due to a lack of encouragem­ent. A boy from a poor family may be good at drawing, singing or dancing but may not be able to pursue the said art due to lack of support. One of the primary duties of a good citizen is to search for such talents and ensure that they are recognised.

Never shy away from encouragin­g and inspiring someone. It can be life-changing.

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