Hindustan Times (Lucknow)


- Shivanshu K Srivastava, student, LLB (Hons), University of Lucknow

Our unbridled and ever-increasing population is the main reason behind most of the problems we are facing today -- unemployme­nt, poverty, lack of adequate medical facility and so on. Sadly, no political party seems to give due importance to this extremely pertinent issue. Here is my suggestion for the manifesto:


Population Control Act is possibly the single most needed legislatio­n today. We are close to 135 crore citizens now. At this stage, it is absurd to think that all qualified people will get jobs or that we will be able to manage our mounting problem of poverty. Due to the high birth rate in our country, we can’t resolve the issue of poverty. Most children taking birth in poverty-stricken families have no means to reform or substantia­lly improve their lives. Hunger, malnutriti­on and sorrow is their only inheritanc­e. It is urgently required that our lawmakers introduce and pass a Population Control Bill under which an upper limit to the number of children a couple can have is specified. Couples exceeding this limit must be penalised.

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