Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

The BJP’s trump card in Kerala?

Sabarimala may help the party finally breach the elusive state


Will the Sabarimala issue be the BJP’s Ayodhya in Kerala, its beachhead in a once impregnabl­e electoral landscape? The Supreme Court’s logic of constituti­onal rights prevailing over tradition is unassailab­le, but equally clear is the fact that the issue of the entry of women of all ages into the shrine has given the BJP and its political parent the Rashtriya Swayamseva­k Sangh (RSS), a strong issue to capitalise on and create a Hindu coalition.

The end is, of course, votes and seats, which have been rare to come by for the party in the state. The RSS has a massive presence in Kerala (and for years) but this has not translated into votes so far due to the fact that the state’s main political formations have managed to capture the loyalties of different communitie­s. The BJP’s gambit is to exploit religious sentiments among the state’s Hindus, who account for 55% of the population. Already, in recently held civic polls, the party has registered some gains. It also enjoys much more brand recognitio­n than ever before. Finally, the BJP has attempted to leverage the Nair community’s support for the RSS and projected itself as a possible alternativ­e to the main political formations in the state. It is worth rememberin­g that the Sabarimala protests were largely led by the upper caste Nairs. Still, much of the blame for things spinning out of control must go to the Pinarayi Vijayan government, which went headlong into a confrontat­ion with protesters. The resultant violence was cleverly played by the RSS as being the work of a Godless party demeaning the Hindu faith. The inability of the 5,000 RSS shakhas across the state to help the BJP get seats so far has also been due the unique religious demography of the state. The Hindus are spread right across but amid strong Muslim and Christian population­s.

The controvers­y is a godsend for the RSS, which has never had an emotive issue to work with in the state.While it may be premature to say that the BJP will gain seats, there is no doubt that this issue will improve its vote share. The BJP’s problem is that it does not have charismati­c state leaders and will have to rely on Prime Minister Narendra Modi to mount the challenge.

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