Hindustan Times (Lucknow)



AGRA : A hotel in Agra has come up with pamphlets saying they have no rooms for Kashmiris in their hotel, drawing criticism from representa­tives of tourism bodies who sought interventi­on by police and administra­tion to avert such divisive steps. Manager of the hotel Firdaus Ali justified the restrictio­n and said the step was being taken as Kashmiris were against the defence forces of the nation and pelted them with stones in Kashmir. ‘How can we welcome those who attack our army jawans. We are open to them if they change their attitude towards our army men in Kashmir,’ said Firdaus Ali who along with his brother ran a hotel at Idgah area in Agra city. He said he was not the only one as about a dozen hotels in the area had taken similar decisions. When contacted, the president of Hotel and Restaurant Associatio­n of Agra condemned the move. He admitted that he had come to know about two hotels in Idgah area which had decided to deny rooms to Kashmiris. ‘Kashmiri are our brothers and in no way the move can be justified. Terrorism is affecting Kashmir but residents there cannot be blamed for violence. We have to act against terrorists and not against Kashmiris there,’ stated Rakesh Chauhan who sought interventi­on by local police and district administra­tion to stop hotels from taking such drastic steps. Agra Sadar additional SP expressed ignorance about such restrictio­ns.

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