Hindustan Times (Lucknow)



Lawyer Bhupendra Singh’s ordeal is a glaring example of how a healthy person’s life turns into a nightmare due to unhygienic toilets. A promising lawyer at the district court, Bhupendra Singh, 49, suffered three successive UTI infections on account of using unhygienic toilets on the district court campus in 2017. Such was the adverse effect of these infections that Singh’s kidneys were damaged and he had to undergo transplant at a private hospital in New Delhi. Singh’s wife donated the kidney. When Singh was discharged from the hospital, the nephrologi­sts attending him warned , “Don’t ever use unhygienic toilets any time, anywhere.”

According to Singh, the doctors who treated him in Delhi had reached the conclusion during treatment that unhygienic toilets on the district court campus in the state capital were responsibl­e for his three UTI infections which caused damage to his kidneys. Post kidney transplant, Singh has stopped coming to the district court altogether. He now pleads cases only in Lucknow high court, RERA and tribunals where the toilets are comparativ­ely clean.

For treatment, Singh had to spend a whopping Rs 24 lakh. Several representa­tions to the chief minister’s office and the Prime Minister’s office for reimbursem­ent or some financial assistance have gone in vain.

“All toilets in the district court are in a pathetic condition. My case is a glaring example of how dangerous unhygienic toilets can be for even a healthy person,” said Singh. “Doctors have advised me to not use dirty toilets either on the district court premises or any other place. So I had no option but to stop coming to the district court,” he said. Singh’s advice to all: Avoid unhygienic toilets and do not take UTI infections lightly. They can lead to kidney failures too. He also urges the government and authoritie­s concerned at the district court to keep all toilets clean in the interest of lawyers and others who visit the court daily.

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