Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Mueller’s report: Hardly a surprise

Clearing Trump won’t change the dynamics in Washington


United States President Donald Trump is cock-ahoop following Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s conclusion that there is no evidence that the White House resident colluded with the Russian government at the time of his election. Mr Mueller said he had no opinion regarding the lesser charge of obstructio­n of justice. But the truth is that Mr Mueller’s conclusion­s are not that great a surprise. And clearing the US president of the collusion charge will change little of the present political dynamics in Washington. Mr Trump may be in the clear, but the fact remains Mr Mueller indicted eight of his circle and has convicted four of them, with more of them facing trial. His administra­tion is not guilty of treason but it is riddled with corruption and sleaze. Those who dislike Mr Trump will have little reason to change their views. Those who support the president, and opinion polls show his approval rating remains at just over 40%, would not have changed their view irrespecti­ve of Mr Mueller’s conclusion.

As Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi had signalled a few weeks ago, indictment was never on the cards so long as Mr Trump’s popularity remained so high. At 40%, his approval rating meant he still had a hammerlock on the Republican voter base and, therefore, Republican congressme­n would decline to support an indictment. And it is the legislatur­e, not the judiciary, that determines impeachmen­t. The Democrats will continue to push their investigat­ions, however, if only to keep the administra­tion off balance and continue to undermine Mr Trump’s image.

The real goal in all this drama is to tilt the political landscape for the 2020 US presidenti­al elections in favour of one party or another. The Democrats are eyeing the growing share of independen­t voters, now over 45% of the electorate. Many of these are disaffecte­d Republican­s, conservati­ve but turned off by Mr Trump’s character. They are likely to determine who will win the next US presidency. Mr Mueller did not give the Democrats quite the big gun they had hoped, but his indictment­s and conviction­s have already deeply sullied the Trump administra­tion. If the Democrats don’t go too far to the left themselves, they are on path to making Mr Trump’s re-election bid an uphill task.

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