Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

SGPGI nurses demand cadre restructur­ing


LUCKNOW : Nurses of the Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS) demonstrat­ed in front the office of PGI director on Thursday, demanding cadre restructur­ing and appointmen­ts on permanent basis. President of PGI Nursing Associatio­n Seema Shukla along with a number of nurses barged into the office of the director where he was holding a meeting with the finance officer.

The associatio­n alleged that the director had been ignoring their demands for months.

“SGPGIMS has highly qualified nurses required for various department­s, but the institute still outsources them from outside,” she alleged. PGI director Prof Rakesh Kapoor said that his term was ending in November. Therefore, his administra­tive powers had been seized and he was not in a position to take any administra­tive decision. The matter would be sorted out by the new director.

Meanwhile, Seema alleged that present director was performing all other administra­tive works regularly, but had put on hold only the nurses’ works.

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