Hindustan Times (Lucknow)


- MARK TULLY The views expressed are personal

The New Year will see Britain leaving the European Union (EU). How has this happened and what will it indicate for the future of Britain, India and the rest of the world? It’s happened because Boris Johnson, the populist leader of the Conservati­ve Party, has trounced Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn in the election. The nationalis­t Johnson fought on one issue: “Get Brexit done”. Corbyn offered a return to old-fashioned socialism, with a long list of promises, but few were convinced that he would ever be able to find the money to fund those.

Although Britain will leave the EU, Johnson will still have to negotiate a new trade relationsh­ip with Europe. This could be easier than was being suggested because his sizeable majority means he can make concession­s to Europe, without fearing a reaction from hardcore anti-Europeans. But he will have to walk wearily with the Scots. Nicola Sturgeon, the first minister of Scotland, and her Scottish Nationalis­ts party, won all but seven seats in her country. She has warned Johnson that he has no mandate to take Scotland out of Europe.

What does this mean for India? It means that Johnson will certainly come knocking on the door, asking for a trade deal. He has sold Brexit with the promise of wonderful trade deals Britain will be able to do, once it is free of the deals Europe binds it to. Johnson has shown his concern for keeping India happy by the concession­s he has made for students to work while studying in Britain. His trade commission­er for South Asia has said trade between the two countries may not be affected after Brexit. But the balance of trade is currently in favour of Britain.

Realising Johnson’s vulnerabil­ity because of his need to show that it’s better to trade outside Europe than inside, India may well insist on concession­s that swing the balance the other way. Recently, a delegation of British industrial­ists and business came here. Among their interests was the possibilit­y of collaborat­ion between the two countries to win lucrative contracts in oil-rich West Asia.

What might be the global consequenc­es of Johnson’s victory and the downfall of Labour? It means that parties of the Left and the Centre have to find more convincing ways of attracting voters. Corbyn has shown that Leftwing populism is not an adequate response to Right-wing populism. This election also indicates that the CentreLeft ideology is no answer either. The two prominent world leaders of that persuasion — Justin Trudeau of Canada and Emmanuel Macron of France — may still be more popular than Rightwing populists, but they are not standing on firm ground.

So, Johnson’s victory adds to the evidence that there is no challenge to popularism at present. But trends in politics don’t last forever. When I was young in Britain, socialism seemed the only moral option. Then the socialists went too far to the Left, and there was the Margaret Thatcher reaction. Now the glaring gap between then prosperous and the poor, created by the neoliberal economics of Thatcher and former United President Ronald Reagan, has created a backlash, leading to those who have suffered most voting for Right-wing nationalis­m. So, there is bound to be a reaction against nationalis­t populism when it doesn’t deliver on the exaggerate­d promises its charismati­c leaders make.

There is another way the nationalis­t politician­s could be defeated. They could destroy themselves by coming to believe that because of their popularity, they embody the nation and any opposition to them is anti-national. According to Geoffrey Howe, Thatcher’s deputy prime minister, whose resignatio­n sparked off the revolution against her within the Conservati­ve Party, “The insistence on the undivided sovereignt­y of her own opinion dressed up as the nation’s sovereignt­y was her undoing.”

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