Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Pro tennis restart: Tournament back in Palermo, once a Covid-19 hot spot

- Rutvick Mehta rutvick.mehta@htlive.com ■

MUMBAI: For a sport that naturally allows for social distancing of players for most parts on the field of play, it was ironic that tennis made the most negative headlines in the lead up to its resumption in the Covid-19 pandemic era.

As profession­al tennis takes its first step in the restart process after a four-month hiatus with the 31st WTA Palermo Ladies Open starting on Monday (the qualifiers begin Saturday), it will seek to inject some much-needed positivity with a smooth and safe conduct of the week-long event.

The onus falls on Oliviero Palma, the tournament director, to ensure that.

Getting tennis back on its feet in Palermo, the capital of Sicily, is no mean task especially considerin­g Italy was a Covid-19 hot spot in March and April. The total active cases in the country have since dropped to around 12,000 from lakhs in April-May. Palma had anticipate­d this, never once being in doubt about his tournament going ahead this year.

“When the lockdown started in March, I made some calculatio­ns looking at Beijing and Palermo, which can be considered similar in certain aspects. What I imagined was that if the curve in Beijing was flattening after a threemonth quarantine, something similar could happen in Palermo. Then, our people’s diligence did the rest, and thus far we can consider Sicily to be Covid-free. I almost guessed it right!” Palma said in an e-mail interview.

The optimism can’t be mistaken for carelessne­ss, for Palma is well aware of the cost of dropping one’s guard. Novak Djokovic’s Adria Tour showed that with a host of top players including Djokovic testing Covid-19 positive last month after the Balkans exhibition tournament showed scant regard for safety regulation­s and physical distancing. The misadventu­re threatened to disrupt profession­al tennis’ comeback bid, and its after-effects still has players publicly debating about restarting the Tour so soon.

“I see the Adria Tour as a failure,” Palma said. “It showed a lack of respect to all the sacrifices many people had done to safeguard everybody’s health. However, it helped understand that right now nothing can be done if we don’t adhere to the rules. We’re restarting safely and that’s all that matters.”

Safe to say one isn’t going to see players partying in Palermo. But one also won’t witness the other extreme—the ‘bio-secure bubble’ of cricket, Formula One, MLS and NBA. The Palermo Open, while applying the WTA protocols and Italy’s safety regulation­s, will follow a middle path.


A WTA Internatio­nal tournament—a rung below WTA’s top Premier level—the clay court meet will see 32 singles players and 16 doubles pairs from all around the globe. There will also be 32 qualifiers battling for four spots in the main draw.

According to Palma, each player, and everyone coming in contact with them, will be tested on arrival, before the tournament and every four days. The first batch of players arrived in Palermo on Sunday.

To oversee this process, the tournament has formed an antiCovid team led by Antonio Cascio, a professor of Infectious Diseases at the University of Palermo.

“He will be helped by professor Francesco Vitale, who will analyse the tests in the university’s laboratory. The tests will be carried out on site in the Sicilian government’s Health Service camper. Basically, we will have the best expert that Sicily, a place that managed the pandemic with great success, can provide,” Palma said.

All players will be put up in a nearby hotel, but unlike cricketers in the England-West Indies Test series, they can venture out. “They will all stay at the same hotel, where the strictest safety measures are respected. If they use all the due precaution­s, they might also have a tour of the city if they wish to, since the virus is barely circulatin­g here. But it’s up to them,” Palma said.

In the Country Time Club which hosts the tournament, four courts will be used for matches and 10 for training. All the courts, areas and surfaces that players can come in contact with will frequently be sanitised, said Palma.

There will be no more than five line umpires (standard number is seven to nine) and three ball kids (standard number is six) at the same time on the court for a match. Not kids, technicall­y, as all ball kids will have to be aged above 18. Moving away from the norm in modern tennis where ball kids provide the players with towels between points, here players will have to manage their own towels as well as drinks and food. “Every single contact must be avoided,” Palma said. “The goal is avoiding any risk.”

 ?? TWITTER ?? ■
A player gets tested for Covid-19 ahead of next week’s WTA Palermo Ladies Open.
TWITTER ■ A player gets tested for Covid-19 ahead of next week’s WTA Palermo Ladies Open.

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