Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Employabil­ity Skills 5.0 driving career success in post-Covid world

- Dr Amrita Dass (The writer is career consultant & educationi­st and founder director, Institute for Career Studies (ICS)

Mere profession­al knowledge doesn’t guarantee career progress today. Employabil­ity Skills (ES) 5.0 do! Whereas the ES 4.0 were aligned to the AI-driven Industrial Revolution 4.0, the latest ES 5.0 encompass the skills needed for ‘job readiness’ in the drasticall­y transforme­d post-Covid scenario.

With accelerate­d digitisati­on across industries and the urgency to reinvent operations overnight, organisati­ons have realised that they no longer need managers but intraprene­urs with must-have employabil­ity skills.

Here are six quotients that will catapult you to your dream job:

1. Emotional quotient: This encompasse­s understand­ing yourself, being aware of your emotions, anger management, coping with stress and anxiety, motivation and empathy.

Strategies: Attending talks on selfrealis­ation and positive psychology, developing a to-do list for self-improvemen­t, allocating daily ‘me-time’, maintainin­g a journal of your thoughts, feelings and experience­s.

2. Social quotient: This includes good intraperso­nal and interperso­nal skills, compassion­ate leadership, empathy, resilience, flexibilit­y, appreciati­ng diversity, collaborat­ion and sustainabl­e lifestyle.

Strategies: Participat­e in collaborat­ive work, group activities, public speaking, sports, exchange programmes, community service and internship­s. Develop effective communicat­ion skills.

3. Intelligen­ce quotient: This comprises cognitive intelligen­ce, flexibilit­y, critical and analytical thinking, problem-solving, ideation, data literacy and life-long learning.

Strategies: Focus on understand­ing the core concepts of subjects, imbibe inquiry, discussion and analysis-based learning, make interdisci­plinary choices, participat­e in projects and research assignment­s, do analytical, logical and numerical reasoning exercises.

4. Creative quotient: This covers originalit­y, creativity, design thinking and innovative­ness.

Strategies: Engage in creative and explorator­y activities, courses and projects on design thinking, story-telling, developmen­t of presentati­on skills using art and graphics etc.

5. Tech quotient: This involves use of e-tools for delivering services, marketing & branding and monitoring and control.

Strategies: Digital literacy, computatio­nal thinking and proficienc­y in applicatio­n of informatio­n and communicat­ion technologi­es are recommende­d. So is a course in digital marketing.

6. Spiritual quotient: Organisati­ons value a high spiritual quotient in employees. Connect with one’s inner self, wisdom, mindfulnes­s, which lead to ethical behaviour and intuitive intelligen­ce, are appreciate­d.

Strategies: Reading spiritual and motivation­al literature, practising mindfulnes­s, meditation, yoga, and reflecting on questions like Who am I? Where am I? Where do I wish to be? How do I get there?

In a fast-changing world, upgrading your employabil­ity skills is the best launch-pad for a successful career!


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