Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

The case for a waiver



In Oct 2020, India and SA urged WTO members to temporaril­y suspend rules on IP rights on vaccines and other medical supplies, arguing that it would be the most equitable way to fight the pandemic.


The US said it will support temporary waiver of intellectu­al property rights only for Covid-19 vaccines, and will “actively participat­e” at WTO to “make that happen”.


European Union said it is “ready to discuss” waivers. French Prez Macron said he "is in favour" and the UK govt said it is in “discussion­s with the US and WTO members”.


Germany, however, rejected the call and said patents were not the “limiting” factor in production


WTO will take up the matter for voting on Thursday but any final waiver may take weeks to finalise. Experts also say waiving off patents alone may not help boost supplies unless there is tech transfer.

“Gavi urges now... the US supports manufactur­ers to transfer not only IP but also know-how in a bid to urgently boost global production.” Gavi, global vaccine alliance

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