Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

The second wave and the Indian State

The Centre and states are at war, but India urgently needs a coordinate­d response

- Yamini Aiyar is president and chief executive, Centre for Policy Research The views expressed are personal

In an influentia­l paper published over a decade ago, the economist Lant Pritchett described India as a “flailing State” — in which the head, that is the elite institutio­ns at the national level (and, in some cases, state level) remained sound and functional but was no longer reliably connected to its own limbs.

Pritchett turned to India’s public health system to illustrate his argument. When you talked to the top tiers of India’s government, he said, you get an elaborate story of facilities, human resources, health services and programmes. But travel to any part of India, particular­ly in the north, Pritchett noted, and it became clear that this descriptio­n of India’s “health system” was, in fact, a complete fiction.

As the horror and suffering of the second wave of Covid-19 unfold, one thing is clear. In the short decade between when Pritchett first posited the idea of the flailing State and today, India has transition­ed to a failed State. The “fiction” of India’s health system is now exposed. And as hapless citizens struggle to find oxygen, basic medicines, hospital beds, the once sound and functional “head”, or more specifical­ly the national government, is no longer visible. Indeed, it has abdicated from all responsibi­lity, from leadership and governance.

The flailing State, in Pritchett’s formulatio­n, was capable of undertakin­g “thin”, logistical, tasks. Tasks where goals are clear, outputs visible and command-and-control actions could be deployed. After all, India managed to conduct large-scale elections, vaccinatio­n programmes (the irony is inescapabl­e), even handled natural disaster relief with relative competence.

Yet, when it comes to Covid-19 management, the Centre has failed to perform even these logistical tasks — oxygen supply, availabili­ty and access to basic medicines, treatment protocols, data systems, vaccinatio­ns. The political leadership, from the prime minister (PM) downwards, is completely absent and the Indian Administra­tive Service (IAS) — whose “brain power”, as Pritchett saw it, could capably formulate excellent policies — is drafting botched-up and confused policy. It is extraordin­ary that oxygen supply chains and aid distributi­on cannot be streamline­d weeks after hospitals and state government­s sounded alarm bells. Of course, when all else fails, we are reminded that health is, after all, a state subject.

Ironically, it is the erstwhile uncontroll­able limbs, now left to their own devices, that have proven far more resilient. We hear tales of leadership and innovation in the occasional district, of the Brihanmumb­ai Municipal Corporatio­n’s war-room, of states and local government­s with relatively better health infrastruc­ture managing the pandemic with competence, and, most of all, of frontline workers who are battling the pandemic with remarkable courage despite personal risks. Yet, none of these sporadic tales adds up to a national plan or a coordinate­d response to a pandemic by the Centre and states. Instead, central and state government­s have locked themselves in a bitter political war with Twitter as their battlegrou­nd.

In the next few months, as Covid-19 travels through small towns and rural India, the country is likely to confront even greater suffering. There is still time — and, indeed, there is a moral obligation — for the Indian State to course correct. The prescripti­ons are well known. Even the Supreme Court seems to have greater clarity on the actions that the government needs to take.

We need a hospital policy; a human resource policy; transparen­t, publicly available, evidence-based data on oxygen requiremen­t, allocation and supply processes; war-rooms at every level of administra­tion to help citizens find beds, oxygen, medicines and teleconsul­tation (no one should have to go through the daily horrors experience­d by the citizens of Delhi in their battle with Covid-19). We need to resource primary health centres and wellness centres with medicines, oxygen and capacity to triage patients to reduce stress on hospitals. We need enhanced surveillan­ce capacity, transparen­t and accurate data on every aspect of the disease. But for all this to happen, there is one crucial missing piece that falls squarely within the domain of the central government — inter-state cooperatio­n and coordinati­on.

India’s Covid-19 response has failed because it ignored a fundamenta­l first principle of good governance — the principle of subsidiari­ty, which means that the central authority performs only those functions that cannot be performed at the local level and no other. At the start of the pandemic, decision-making was overly centralise­d.

Now, when it comes to tasks where the Centre needs to play a role — procuremen­t of vaccines, supply chain management and allocation of oxygen, human resource and treatment protocols, ensuring resources move to areas experienci­ng surges — states have been told health is a state subject. Rather than a coordinate­d response, states are at war with the Centre and each other.

Battling Covid-19 requires political maturity. This cannot be done in an institutio­nal vacuum. One option is to set up an inter-state council within the National Disaster Management Authority, comprising the PM, chief ministers, senior ministers and bureaucrat­s from both states and the Centre. Institutio­nalised coordinati­on will send the right signals to the limbs of the once flailing State. But this requires political leadership and trust. It’s not too late. But soon it will be.

 ?? HT PHOTO ?? We need a hospital policy; a human resource policy; transparen­t data on oxygen requiremen­t, allocation and supply processes; war-rooms to help citizens find beds, oxygen, medicines and tele-consultati­on
HT PHOTO We need a hospital policy; a human resource policy; transparen­t data on oxygen requiremen­t, allocation and supply processes; war-rooms to help citizens find beds, oxygen, medicines and tele-consultati­on
 ??  ?? Yamini Aiyar
Yamini Aiyar

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