Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Awareness key to controllin­g black fungus: SGPGI docs

- Anupam Srivastava anupam.srivastava@htlive.com

LUCKNOW : Doctors of Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS) said little awareness about diagnosing, black fungus could be controlled with a bit of awareness about diagnosing early symptoms and treatment.

“Prevention is the key for controllin­g black fungus,” said professor Amit Keshri, nodal officer of 12-member committee of doctors on Covid 19 cases associated with Mucormycos­is (CAM).

“People who have been on oxygen or steroid support must be monitored regularly in order to control the spread of black fungus. The black fungus besides affecting lungs can also affect eyes and other functions of the body,” he said.

“With a bit of care in management of Covid 19 cases we can prevent this infection. Uncontroll­ed diabetes and poor monitoring of sugar levels is a deadly combinatio­n that might lead to black fungus infection. Hence, people Covid-19 infected people must check their sugar levels regularly, especially those taking treatment under home isolation. They have to keep a tab on their blood sugar level during treatment and even after recovery,” he said.

“Those Covid-19 patients in home quarantine and on teleconsul­tation and on steroids must be extra cautious as Covid treatment may trigger diabetes,” he said.

Director PGI professor Radha Krishna Dhiman said, “I appeal to everyone to not go for self-medication. One must understand that not all Covid-19 patients require steroids or oxygen support for recovery.

These have to be used judiciousl­y under the observatio­n of doctors. Overuse of anything could be harmful.”

“Many people are preaching treatment through steroids on WhatsApp or other social media. We appeal to all to use

steroids judiciousl­y and under the strict supervisio­n of doctors. The blood sugar level of patients including non-diabetics must be monitored as Covid-19 treatment may trigger diabetes.”

The SGPGI doctors said that

Amphoteric­in B injections (antifungal injection) should not be used without consulting doctors.

Amphoteric­in B injection is an expensive injection recommende­d in dosage of 5ml per kg weight of the patient.

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