Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Make police reforms a national mission

To improve the force, enact the Model Police Act, 2006; appoint a senior officer in the PMO to ensure the implementa­tion of the recommenda­tions of various panels and DGP conference­s

- Yashovardh­an Azad is chairman, Deepstrat, a former Central Informatio­n Commission­er, and a retired IPS officer who has served as secretary, security, and special director, Intelligen­ce Bureau The views expressed are personal

Even the British government thought of taking another look at their Police Act, 1861, after 40 years. The Frazer Commission of 1902 devoted an entire chapter on corruption, efficiency, popular opinion, oppressive conduct of the police and reforms in its 205-page report. A century and quarter later, Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi raised the same issues: Calling for advanced training, attitudina­l changes, induction of technology, and imbibing new skills. The Parliament­ary Standing Committee on Home Affairs has also come out with its report on police training, modernisat­ion and reforms.

But the question neither the PM nor the House committee addressed is why earlier recommenda­tions by a plethora of committees on police reforms have not been implemente­d. What are the impediment­s, and how can they be removed? This exercise, perhaps, would have been more meaningful since the proposals for reforms refer to the same issues.

Just after Independen­ce, while the Constituti­on was being written and instrument­s of democracy being strengthen­ed, police reforms remained low on the priority list.

This, despite the bloodbath witnessed during the Partition and the need to put law and order and crime control on a sound footing. Great confidence, surprising­ly, was displayed in the old rent-seeking system run by thanedars and tehsildars, instead of revising the Police Act, 1861, and devising afresh a police regime for free India.

The biggest impediment to reform is that police is a state subject, and chief ministers (CMs) are not inclined or under any pressure to effect significan­t changes in the system. Police valour or atrocity is a peripheral matter during elections. CMs are more concerned about transfers of police officers and perturbed over complaints against the police reaching state capitals. Other politician­s ensure that their trusted officers are posted as superinten­dents of police (SPs), deputy superinten­dents of police (DSPs), and station house officers in their areas. The threat of transfer to a police officer impedes his unbiased judgment of a situation and consequent (in)action. Thus, any case with even a remote connection with the powers that be impacts investigat­ions adversely, and also the image of the police.

Recognisin­g the deep malady, and to ensure a degree of autonomy, Supreme Court-directed reforms in 2006, laid down rules for police transfers. But this is being circumvent­ed by the state authoritie­s. Even transfers and postings of directorsg­eneral of police (DGP) are mired in politics. This remains an intractabl­e issue with the constant tussle between laid down norms for transfers and political choices.

Strong and visionary police leadership, an enabling secretaria­t and political sagacity are three major ingredient­s for police reforms. But such harmony is rare. Over the years, from the Dharma Vira commission to the Ribeiro committee recommenda­tions, none has been fully implemente­d.

In 2005, PM Manmohan Singh launched the National Police Mission. The mission subsumed seven micro missions with objectives of enhancing the skills and competence of police officers at the grassroots level. From attitudina­l changes, modernisat­ion to gender-based crimes, every aspect was covered. The ministry of home affairs (MHA), responsibl­e for implementa­tion, supervised it for three years and then handed it over to the Bureau of Police Research and Developmen­t (BPRD). The latter pursued it zealously, but the micro mission projects could never clear the MHA. Whether the mission collapsed due to the intransige­nce of bureaucrat­s or politics is a matter of inquiry.

A bulky, unwieldy secretaria­t, lacking the requisite expertise or enabling attitude, does no good to the police. Perhaps the most important deliberati­ons on critical police issues occur in the annual DGP conference, culminatin­g in recommenda­tions. Unfortunat­ely, these again await the ministry’s nod for years.

The present MHA lacks the profession­al skills and will too. The only answer is an internal security ministry carved out of the present one and helmed by a rank profession­al. The

central police chiefs entrusted with the leadership of millions can undoubtedl­y be trusted with all the financial and other powers of supervisio­n.

There are two aspects of police reforms. The first deals with autonomy, police structure, accountabi­lity, resourcefu­lness, lying within the realm of the political executive, and the second dealing with skills, competence, technology and attitudina­l changes. It’s the second that lies squarely in the domain of police leadership.

The choice of police leaders has also left much to be desired. Many police chiefs have not given BPRD’s studies on internal reforms due attention due to a lack of profession­al skills or preoccupat­ion with other matters. Police leaders must question the value added to the investigat­ion and prosecutio­n by various supervisor­y levels, and check who allows the use of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act or sedition cases in an indiscrimi­nate manner. The present police regime, therefore, is characteri­sed by individual acts of brilliance by committed Indian Police

Service officers, while large swathes of the country witness an average to below par performanc­e.

Police reforms languish because of the lack of political will, weak police leadership and an inefficien­t bureaucrac­y. Therefore, PM Modi would be well advised to do the following: First, take the lead by enacting the Model Police Act 2006, drafted by Soli Sorabjee, in Union Territorie­s and at least in states ruled by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), while making an appeal for other states to follow suit. Second, appoint a rank profession­al in the Prime Minister’s Office to oversee and ensure implementa­tion of all the recommenda­tions of various police commission­s and DGP conference­s. Police reforms must be another critical national mission to be accomplish­ed before the next general elections in 2024.

Yashovardh­an Azad

 ?? SANTOSH KUMAR / HT ARCHIVE. ?? Police reforms languish because of the lack of political will, weak police leadership and an inefficien­t bureaucrac­y
SANTOSH KUMAR / HT ARCHIVE. Police reforms languish because of the lack of political will, weak police leadership and an inefficien­t bureaucrac­y

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