Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Had Covid? Here’s how to build back immunity

They’ve told you to take it slow. Here’s how to emerge stronger physically and emotionall­y

- Luke Coutinho practices in the space of Holistic Nutrition—Integrativ­e & Lifestyle Medicine and is the founder of YouCare-All about You by Luke Coutinho Catch Luke Coutinho’s column every fortnight in HT Brunch. It will next appear on May 28, 2022.

E ven when you test negative, chances are you still might not feel okay. That is because this virus leaves imprints in the form of some symptoms. How can you ease into your routine as your body is recovers?

Honour rest & go slow

Respect your body’s need to rest. Exercise is medicine, but at the right time. Don’t stay sedentary, but less is more. Healing happens in a state of complete rest and deep sleep.

If blood clots were a symptom, engage in light movement to help boost blood circulatio­n, the lymphatic system and oxygenatio­n, even if just walking around the house.

If you are too weak to walk, ask someone to press the soles of your feet for three-five minutes, twice a day. If the infection compromise­s your respirator­y function (pneumonia, breathless­ness), rest for 10-15 days and slowly ease into movement.

If you have body pain, fatigue, muscle spasms and tightness, start with gentle stretches or subtle yoga. Do not overdo it. Listen to your body.

Reduce inflammati­on

Inflammati­on is part of the immunity process. The problem is when the inflammato­ry response is not switched off. Increased inflammati­on is noticed in most Covid patients. While there are medicines to control inflammati­on, one must focus on lifestyle. Anti-inflammato­ry and antioxidan­trich foods can stall inflammati­on. Inflammati­on also reduces when we sleep.

Muscle aches & joint pains

Pain is mostly the outcome of inflammati­on due to infection. Other than pain medicines, here’s what you can do.

• Load turmeric, ginger, garlic, cloves, cinnamon and black pepper into teas, spice powders, concoction­s, dals or soups. Add a teaspoon of coconut oil or ghee as this combinatio­n works best in the presence of fat.

• Drink a glass of freshly squeezed mosambi juice.

• Drizzle a teaspoon of pure extra virgin olive oil over your salad or hummus.

• Consume unsalted nuts.

• Include Omega-3 rich foods like flaxseeds, fatty fish or chia seeds.

• Have a cup of freshly-brewed loose green tea or black tea leaves sans sugar.

• Add red or green chillies to your food (unless you have hyperacidi­ty or ulcers.)

• Remove all inflammato­ry foods—sugar, processed meats, junk foods, refined carbs, refined oils. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol.

Mental health

Fear is your body’s survival mechanism. Use that to fuel you into action, like:

• Boost your and your family’s immunity.

• Follow safety protocols.

• Cut away from sources of news that stress you out, including conversati­ons.

• Believe in your body’s intelligen­ce to protect you.

• Affirm this mantra: I am safe. I am protected. I am guided.

• Change the narrative. If it’s been tough for someone, it doesn’t have to be so for you.

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 ?? HEXCODE ?? Don’t compromise on precaution­ary measures or underestim­ate the need for adequate postCovid recovery
HEXCODE Don’t compromise on precaution­ary measures or underestim­ate the need for adequate postCovid recovery

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