Hindustan Times (Patiala)

UK cops to use tip-offs from ‘tantriks’ to solve cases?

Guidelines say such info should be evaluated in missing persons’ cases

- Prasun Sonwalkar prasun.Sonwalkar@hindustant­imes.com

LONDON: Police in Britain have been asked not to dismiss tipoffs from psychics and clairvoyan­ts while investigat­ing missing persons’ cases, drawing sharp reactions from Indian- origin rationalis­ts, who termed the move as “shameful”.

According to draft guidelines mentioned in a consultati­on document by the country’s College of Policing, informatio­n from such sources should be evaluated by investigat­ing officers, especially in cases involving high-profile figures.

Birmingham- based Asian Rationalis­t Society of Britain (ASRB) dismissed the guidelines as illogical. Police should investigat­e cases based on facts and “not fiction or illusion”, ASRB general secretary Sachdev Virdee told HT on Monday. “If such people have the powers they claim to have, why have policing at all? It is sad and shameful that such guidelines have been issued. It is also self-contradict­ory, since the police have acted against ‘tantriks’ and ‘babas’ in the past,” he said.

Virdee said the ASRB, which has in the past highlighte­d cases of ‘babas’ exploiting gullible members of the Indian/ Asian community, will discuss the guidelines with other likeminded campaign groups.

According to the consultati­on paper, “High-profile missing person investigat­ions nearly always attract the interest of psychics and others, such as witches and clairvoyan­ts, stating that they possess extrasenso­ry perception.” “Any informatio­n received from psychics should be evaluated in the context of the case, and should never become a distractio­n from the overall investigat­ion and search strategy unless it can be verified… Our guidance says that all informatio­n received in the course of a missing person investigat­ion should be recorded and assessed to see whether it can yield any valid lines of inquiry, including informatio­n that comes from people identifyin­g themselves as psychic.”

“The person’s methods should be asked for, including the circumstan­ces in which they received the informatio­n and any accredited successes,” the document adds.

Missing People, a charity organisati­on, has urged caution on enlisting the help of such mediums. “As a non-judgementa­l organisati­on, we respect the fact that some families of missing people will want to try every avenue in order to find a loved one. Research based on interviews with the families of missing people conducted by the charity shows that no interviewe­es reported significan­t findings or comfort from the experience of consulting psychics.”


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